Chapter 69

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Lan Zhan comes up to him and holds his hands out for Wei Ying to put the spear there. Their eyes meet again, an unspoken pact of unity.

"What do you think?" Wei Ying asks him.

Lan Zhan can smell the fruity scent of adrenaline kucking through his system, and he'll take that any day over the sorrow that was previously there.

"The weapon itself is merely a show piece, not substantial in any way. But whatever it is hiding is something significant, something important to your family." Lan Zhan says, honestly.

"Our family." Wei Ying corrects him. "I feel like my parents would approve of my choice of partner." Shyness overcomes him, and he looks away.

"Then I am honoured to be part of Wei Ying's family." Lan Zhan steps forward into his personal space, lifting his chin up. "And it's fiance." With that, he brings their lips together in a soul-deep kiss that steals Wei Ying's breath, pressing a sweetness straight into his heart.

This is his Soul Mate, and Lan Zhan is going to be with him every step of the way. Wei Ying's fingers clutch at his shirt, bringing them closer together, his eager lips intent on creating a madness in Lan Zhan's body, a need to possess and consume. It is matched in himself as well, and they are panting when they break apart.

"You haven't asked me yet!" Wei Ying states firmly, a mischievous smile on his kiss-bitten lips.

"Wei Ying accepted my ring!" Lan Zhan tells him calmly, a fire raging through his body. The contrast in him is electrifying.

"It was candy!" Wei Ying defends himself, with mock outrage. "You can't keep bringing that up."

"I can, and I will." Lan Zhan grabs a fistful of his shirt and yanks him in for another smooth kiss. "When it comes to Wei Ying, I am perfectly serious." He adds, when Wei Ying is limply clinging onto him.

"You've done it again with your love juju!" Wei Ying leans in to bite his bottom lip. "I'm not gonna let you get away with it! When you propose for real, you better make it good, otherwise me and my children won't accept."

Lan Zhan's eyes glitter dangerously in the dim light.

"Challenge accepted." He says, in such a low voice, it makes Wei Ying shiver with anticipation.

"We're on the clock!" Wei Ying reminds him, not thinking about what Lan Zhan might do, when the time comes. He taps the spear, and Lan Zhan returns his attention to the hollow weapon.

He examines the tip and it's nothing remarkable, not sharp in any way, and there doesn't seem to be any way to open it. There's no join marking the 'lid' to actually get inside it. As he's turning it around, Wei Ying gasps.

"Look! On the base!" He points it out, where another heart shaped shallower hole is carved out, this time complete with the coat of arms.

Wei Ying takes off his necklace again and holds out his finger for Lan Zhan's bite, and once again, it takes a few drops of his blood and then he slots it into place.

A ring of red fire lights up the base around five centimetres up, and instinct makes Lan Zhan start unscrewing both parts. To their amazement, the base starts coming off, and within seconds, Lan Zhan has taken it off.

Wei Ying puts his necklace back on, while Lan Zhan tips the spear upside down.

Two items fall out.

One is a long black tube folded and connected into three parts. There are holes all along one side, and Wei Ying is already unfolding it to form a flute. A dizi, to be exact. His fingers are trembling as he picks up the second item, a sheaf of aged papers tied together with a blood red ribbon.

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