Chapter 124

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Suddenly, Wei Ying is wide awake.

He had been falling asleep because it was getting late, and now he's been jerked into alertness by this new tension bleeding into the room.

Lan Zhan pulls him to stand behind him, a low growl emanating from his body, and a golden fire blazing in his eyes. He's ready to kill.

Just one step in their direction, and it's all over.

"My grandson is no threat to anyone!" Baoshan Sanren tells the blond vampire.

Wei Ying can see nothing but hostility all around him. None of these people know him, no one except his immediate family can vouch for him.

All these unfamiliar, questioning eyes are on him, and him alone.

He can see nothing but distrust and uncertainty upon their faces, none of them friendly.

Xiao XingChen had stood up when Baoshan Sanren indicated she wanted to leave, and now he comes to stand next to Lan Zhan, ready to defend Wei Ying, too.

There are hundreds of Vampires here. They fought together at one point, trusted each other, and stood side by side, just a few days ago. Now, only because of this one person, everything has suddenly changed.

The blond vampire turns his whole body towards them.

Lan Zhan's growling becomes even louder. His talons make an appearance because he's truly rattled by this guy.

"Relaax!" The blond vampire laughs softly. His blue eyes are glittering with... malice? But he continues, "We're just talking, for now."

"Are we, Vladimir?" Baoshan Sanren pushes away from the table they were sitting at, moments ago. She stands in front of Lan Zhan, facing the blond vampire and effectively putting herself in between him and them.

Vladimir grins back at her, with an acerbic laugh.

"So what, are we just supposed to take your word for it?" Vladimir looks around for support. "Just because he's YOUR grandson? I don't think so."

Nervous energy seeps into the air as the vampires watch this new stand-off.

"He's not just my grandson," Baoshan Sanren tells him, anger rolling off her in waves.

Wei Ying has never seen her look like this, as bright as a naked flame ready to set fire to the world.

He's panicking as well, because he never thought he would become the subject of so many people's focus, all of them afraid of him. Waves of hostility are overflowing from them, directly towards him as the target.

Lan Zhan can feel him trembling through the connection of their hands and something aches in him. Wei Ying shouldn't ever have to feel this way. Wei Ying should only ever be happy.


The thought triggers a memory. Wei Ying apologising about his ability to manipulate feelings...

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan murmurs, squeezing his hand hard to grab his attention. "Control your thoughts!"

For a second, Wei Ying doesn't know what he means. Control them how? He's already scared because how can he not be? He's surrounded by hundreds of hostile predators all ready to put an end to him, and Lan Zhan wants him to do what? meditate??

"Spread calm!" Lan Zhan tells him again, and this time, Wei Ying understands what he means.

Slowly, he evens out his breathing, taking longer and longer breaths, simultaneously searching for a good memory. Hhe winds up thinking about the day on the beach. That day was filled with sunshine and laughter, of his family coming together in another way. It was healing to do something so ordinary, so run-of-the-mill normal, and it had become a cherished memory coloured with blue skies and golden sands. It had been a wonderful day for all of them.

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