Chapter 126

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Huaisang jumped out of the white Sports car belonging to Xiao XingChen, not even glancing backwards once.

He was spooked.

After eating lunch with Mo XuanYu, and Wei Ying, he was trying to see things from their point of view while simultaneously trying to keep his agenda open, but it wasn't working.

He still had so many questions, and although Baoshan Sanren had given him her number, and told him that since she never slept, he could call her whenever he felt like it, but that didn't help him at all. Whenever he thought about her, he just felt an overwhelming amount of guilt.

She had patiently shown him all around her amazing home, and they'd only had time for some of the floors, but what he had seen was mind-blowing.

Huaisang was impressed.

Not only with the high-tech modern labs, their intense research into haematology, bloodwork, and the connections between venom and its reactions with different blood types, but also how much benevolence went into her daily life.

Huaisang thought he was being subtle when he was asking her about the people who worked there, and for a second, he thought Baoshan Sanren was being affectionate for his benefit alone. But he had seen the genuine admiration and fondness in all those working for her. She made them out to be like one big family, and it was so clichéd that Huaisang wanted to laugh if she expected him to fall for it.

And yet...

Try as he might, the cynical part of his nature, the part that never allowed him to take anything at face value, was eagerly waiting for the other shoe to drop; to find some fatal flaw in her set up. He wanted to see the shadows behind the light, a selfish reason for all her good deeds, and the real reason behind her actions, but he was looking for ghouls that didn't exist. In his mind, the doubts remained because no one could be that good, right?

It had come to a head when he'd met Mo XuanYu.

All of his walls had come crashing down when he realised that everything they'd worked so hard for was orchestrated by Baoshan Sanren.

All of his 'evidence', all the photos in HD quality, the documents that now probably wouldn't stand up in a court of law, all of it had come from Baoshan Sanren. He wondered if the vampires had secretly been laughing at him all this time? Feeding him what he wanted to see, and he hated himself for eating right out of their hands.

At the same time, he prided himself on being able to tell when someone was lying to him.

And so far, no one has.

That was the bittersweet truth.

Both Mo XuanYu and Baoshan Sanren had promised him that neither knew about the information dump, and both swore to be genuine about their intentions.

There was so much information buzzing around in his head that it was beginning to hurt, because his thoughts were going round and round in circles, and he knew he was putting unnecessary pressure on himself, but it seemed like this was the only way.

He had to reach a decision.

And he wasn't at all ready to do it.

Opening the door of the home he shared with his brother and now his brother's fiancé, Huaisang hoped that neither of them were home. They usually spent time in each other's company without encroaching on their individual space, and Da-Ge would be sure to notice if Huaisang tried to wriggle out of it.

Unfortunately, they were both sitting in the lounge, waiting for him.

He wasn't actually sure if that was the case, but it sure felt like it from the way both of their faces lit up.

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