Chapter 94

640 95 38

09.15 am Sunday


It's the last thing he hears as Wei Ying passes out.

This is a dark place.

Wei Ying is completely alone, but he isn't scared.

He can feel a presence and it's a comforting one.

So he takes a chance.

"Grandfather, I need help. I bet you never thought it would be someone like me, huh? But I really need to see who is who, out there. I need to be able to protect my people, and I don't know how to." He says this out loud, hoping it will work.

And then, right in front of him, a shadowy form takes shape.


Lan Zhan lunged forward, catching Wei Ying just before he hit the ground.

Wen Qing runs to his side, immediately grabbing his wrist and checking his pulse.

"What happened?" Lan Zhan asks, impatiently.

He feels as if he cannot breathe, even if it is unnecessary, it's still an uncomfortable feeling.

Of all the things to happen, he could never have guessed that it would be this. Wei Ying is lying in his arms, eyes closed but luckily still breathing.

And no one is giving him any answers.

He looks up at the silence, and realises that they are all in the same position.

Nobody knows what happened to Wei Ying.


The man that appears in front of Wei Ying looks friendly, a cheerful face with twinkling silver eyes, dancing with amusement, and Wei Ying thinks that all this time, he had assumed he and his mother had inherited his grandmother's eyes...but it could so easily be this person's.

This is his grandfather.

Wei Ying bows, shocked into speechless silence.

"All you have to do is ask for help, Haizi."

His voice is friendly too, and Wei Ying likes him immediately.

"Grandfather?" He asks, just to make sure.

The older man pauses, his eyes filling with tears.

"I had hoped..." he says, emotions making his words come out hoarsely. "I didn't want to make the HeartStone purely biological as a key, so I planned around that. Then I must know, how is A-Ren? Your grandmother? And your mother?"

He comes closer to Wei Ying, and then sitting down, he pulls Wei Ying down as well. It feels strange, sitting down in nothingness.

This is the man that Wei Ying never got to meet, his biological grandfather. Wei Ying instantly feels a warmth blooming in his chest.

"My grandmother is well. She misses you very much," he says, trying to delay the next part of the previous question.

But his Grandfather is a sharp cookie.

"What about my daughter?" His tone is much quieter, as if he's aware that it might not be good news, and he's trying not to hurt.

"Um...both of my parents passed away when I was about six." Wei Ying wonders if it would ever stop hurting him.

He looks away, trying not to cry.

The lack of their presence in his life is a wound that will not heal, and while Wei Ying's ability to brush every one of his hurts under the carpet to be ignored, is his usual coping mechanism, he's had to face this pain almost constantly in these past few weeks.

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