Chapter 35

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There was no way to tell who it was on the gurney, and it was bundled into a waiting ambulance and driven away too fast.

The police started interviewing the members of the crowds and escorting them up to their apartments one group at a time, just to prevent anyone going to the sixth floor yet.

"This might take you mind if I go?" Wen Ning said.

He had already been waiting with them for over a couple of hours.

Wei Ying nodded at him, distracted.

"A-Ning...back there," Wei Ying looked back to the direction they had come in. "You know in the parking garage, we saw a red you know who it belongs to?"

"Wen Xu and Wen Chao. Both of them drive one. They have two." Wen Ning told him. "They're both identical except for the number plates. Why?"

" reason. It stands out, that's all." Wei Ying laughs weakly.

Wen Ning looks as if he's going to say something, but then he changes his mind.

"I'll get going, then." He says, instead.

"Yeah...thanks for getting us out of there." Wei Ying said, nodding at him.

They watch him leave, both with conflicting thoughts about their friend, and knowing it was impossible to voice them here, with so many foreign ears listening to them. Still, it was better to be cautious and delay an inevitable conversation, than talk and risk exposing themselves.

Two more hours passed before Wei Ying pleaded with the policeman on duty, telling him that their kids were upstairs alone with a granny prone to taking afternoon naps. He pouted and that's what swung their vote.

Minutes later, they were being escorted into the apartment building.

Wei Ying is vibrating with worry and tension, and he knows that nothing will make it better than hugging his children. He's tethered by Lan Zhan holding onto his hand and it feels good, not to be alone right now.

The next few hours are going to be filled with uncertainty, because the cops are being seriously tight-lipped about whatever has happened upstairs on the sixth floor. The policeman who escorts them up to their apartment just shoots them another sympathetic look and tells them that they will be around before eight or nine in the evening to talk to them.

Wei Ying is glad of that, because then hopefully, the children will be asleep.

All they know for certain now, is that someone has died and they may or may not be connected to JingYi, seeing as he lives in apartment 613.

Wei Ying has a sneaking suspicion about who it might be, but he wishes and prays that he's wrong. And no matter what, he wants to delay telling JingYi unless he absolutely has to.

JingYi had crawled into his heart space a long time ago, and Wei Ying felt fiercely protective of him.

Luckily, the kids don't hear them coming in, and they are able to retreat into the bedroom to take off their protective suits, something that if the kids had seen them wearing, would have freaked them out.

When they're ready, they go into the children's room and after much hugs and kisses, and promises of a family movie marathon, Lan Zhan goes into the kitchen to supervise popcorn making with the kids, while Wei Ying escorts Wen PoPo to the door.

He steps outside just to give her a heads up on what's happening with the cops and the situation with the ambulances, just so she won't panic when she has to walk past them all when she leaves.

Wen PoPo gives him a hard hug, patting his back when he finishes talking.

"They were okay with you? Did you have lunch?" He asks, hugging her back just as hard.

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