Chapter 122

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Baoshan Sanren takes a piece of yellow talisman paper and activates it by infusing it with her energy, that's what it looks like to Wei Ying, who gasps because the action feels more familiar than it should.

She flings it towards the doors of her office, and it clings to the dark surface, glowing brightly as it spreads some kind of ward.

"That's so cool, grandmother!" Wei Ying tells her enthusiastically, hoping at some point that she'll tell him more about this later.

He might turn up his nose at fighting and weapon usage, but this he feels is something he can totally get behind.

"It's a silencing talisman, giving us privacy. Call me paranoid, but I don't trust easily." She pulls Wei Ying to where Mo XuanYu is engrossed in what he's seeing.

Wei Ying pats his head fondly and grins down at him when he looks up in surprise.

"Hi, Didi. Whatchya doing?"

Mo XuanYu rolls his eyes, but he's smiling.

"Our operatives are waiting," he tells Baoshan Sanren.

They look at the three monitors that show people dressed like ninjas, all black clothed and face masks obscuring their identities, wearing black gloves so as not to leave a trace of themselves behind.

"We're really doing this…" Wei Ying whispers, not really wanting an answer.

Lan Zhan squeezes their hands gently, knowing how much Wei Ying hates subterfuge, but they both understand how necessary it is, in this case. Neither expected to have to protect their children from someone whom they considered family, and yet, here they are. But they can not let Wen Qing have any upper hand in this matter; it is imperative that they take the choice out of her hands.

"I will alert the teams when we reach there. Any earlier would trigger security, though one of our team is there undercover for now, just to help them turn a blind eye, so to speak." Baoshan Sanren tells them. To Mo XuanYu, she says, "What do you need from us?"

"The teams are going to sweep through Wen Rouhan's offices, Wen Zhong's apartment floor, Wen Qing's offices, and the treasury. Three teams are still enough?" His eyes flicker back towards her before returning to the screens in front of him.

"Yes, they will coordinate and cover the areas in time. As it is, we're risking exposure already. If we limit our numbers, then we can proceed unhindered and undetected. If her security does manage to expose us, then I'd rather it happened at the end than before they've had a chance to find anything. Next?" She's curt because there's no time to dilly-dally.

"Wen Qing is too astute not to figure out you guys had external help on Sunday. She will have plugged the hole, the security breach, I mean, so our cameras won't be any good."

"Show me."

Mo XuanYu has already predicted her request and has opened the correct tabs.

There's nothing suspicious there, and everything seems orderly.

"That could be a loop. I check every five minutes, and nothing's changed. So, like before, if you guys can plant this, it will help." He holds out a little black item that looks like a harmless USB stick.

Wei Ying plucks it out of his hands and puts it in his pocket.

"I'll do it."

Mo XuanYu grins at him. "Alright, Gege. Our guy on the security team is going to help too, as soon as you leave here. I should have total access to their feed. He's waiting so that we're not discovered by some overly eager rookie who can't keep his hands to himself."

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