Chapter 66

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Uncle Qiren sips his tea, watching them over the rim of his teacup.

He puts it down, sighing.

"They only came once, though I believe plans were made to visit again. We only heard much later that they had passed, and we didn't know what had happened to their child. Your father was away at that time, and then suddenly, your mother's health declined. But when they had visited, I remember Cangse Sanren kept flitting in and out of the room, and I spent that time with her husband." Uncle takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry about them passing." He genuinely looks sad.

No one says anything for a while. The descending silence feels heavy and deep.

"What were they like?" The question is whispered, as if Wei Ying didn't want to disturb anyone's thoughts.

Lan Zhan wraps an arm around his waist, wanting to comfort him. This must be so difficult for him. Within one month, Wei Ying has met several people who seem to know his parents better than himself.

"Your mother liked playing pranks." Uncle Qiren announced, suddenly alert.

"Really?" Wei Ying is shocked but happy about that. "What kind of pranks?"

"In that one hour she was here, she scared me twice by hiding behind the door and jumping out randomly. She also managed to find my toothpaste and swap it out for hair removal cream. And she swapped out the sugar for salt and vice versa. We drank salty tea for weeks after they left." Uncle has grudging fondness.

Wei Ying laughs.

The effect is like freshwater over a ragged wound, the welcome relief of a soothing balm.

The tension dissipates and Uncle Qiren becomes a little more loose-tongued about that particular visit. He tells them that he suspected her of touring the entire mansion twice, just in that one hour. How bubbly and bright she was, while Wei Ying’s father was more silent, only speaking when things got awkward. Otherwise he was content to read alongside Uncle Qiren that day.

Uncle Qiren would never admit it, but he rather liked Wei Changze. He liked the peacefulness he exuded, in direct contrast to the crazy woman he was married to.

As he spoke, and Wei Ying listened to him recall those precious moments, he began to feel much better and the minutes ticked by.

They were only interrupted by XiChen, who came to join them a bit later.

"It is done, Didi." Was all he had to say, for Lan Zhan to understand.

Uncle Qiren didn't ask any questions about that, but he did mention A-Yuan and JingYi.

"When will you be bringing them around here again?"

"I was going to say," XiChen quickly jumped in, before Wei Ying could answer, "You're going to the gala tomorrow night, right? Why don't you get ready here, and then we can leave together for the Awards ceremony. Uncle will be happy to babysit for you, and since he wasn't planning on attending anyway, it works out just fine."

"That's a great idea." Wei Ying said, brightly. "But, in all this excitement, I've forgotten about that. I … what are we going to wear?"

"Mn. It is already sorted out." Lan Zhan says, looking suitably embarrassed.

Wei Ying smiles because a pouty Lan Zhan is the cutest thing ever, and he doesn't want to start something here. Not when it's such a thoughtful gesture.

"Okay. Then I guess we should make a move." He says, standing up.

Uncle nods at them as they leave.

"See you tomorrow." He adds that with gentle upturned lips.

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