Chapter 121

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"Baba, will you read us a story?" A-Yuan yawns, climbing onto Wei Ying's lap, already half asleep.

Wei Ying hugs him close, thinking that he has missed too many of these nights, too many times when A-Yuan had to go to sleep without a story from his Baba. And JingYi had so many of these to catch up on, it was a tragedy.

He turns to Lan Zhan, standing up.

"Do you have any children's books here? I forgot to bring any from home," he says, looking hopeful.

JingYi has made himself comfortable in Lan Zhan's lap, eyes already shut.

"I am not sure-"

Before he can even finish that sentence, Uncle Qiren is handing over three Dr. Seuss classics: Green Eggs and Ham, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and The Cat in the Hat.

His ears are terribly red.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan are in shock as he turns and walks away.


Wei Ying leans down and brushes their foreheads with his lips, smiling down at the children fast asleep. Lan Zhan does the same, and then they leave the bunny night light on and leave the door ajar as they exit the boys' bedroom in Lan Zhan's suite.

They meet Uncle Qiren outside, and he's holding his blanket and a couple of books.

"I thought I would read in there, just outside their room. In case they need anything," he clears his throat uncomfortably. "Until you return."

Wei Ying's eyes fill with tears at the sudden realisation of how much this man has done for their family.

"Uncle, can I please hug you?" He says, at the same time that Lan Zhan turns to look at him because his blood is suddenly smelling different, and Uncle Qiren throws a panicked look towards his nephew, who glares back with lightning speed, silently saying, you-better-and-I'm-not-asking.

Uncle Qiren doesn't even have time to nod before Wei Ying is in his arms and squeezing him tightly.

Uncle Qiren doesn't do hugs.

Uncle Qiren can't even remember the last time someone hugged him, or, and this is worse, the last time someone wanted to.

So he's shocked to find that it isn't as bad as he thought it would be.

"Thank you, Mr. Lan. You've brought us into your family and welcomed us so wonderfully, I can't even begin to express my gratitude." Wei Ying is blinking back his tears but there are so many, already overflowing down his cheeks. He sniffs, and the action reminds Lan Zhan of his bunnies.

Uncle Qiren pats his back awkwardly, huffing in response. His ears have gone past the horribly red stage to need-fire-extinguishers-stat colour. Quietly, he takes Wei Ying's left hand with the candy replica engagement ring.

For a second, both Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are holding their breaths, waiting for his reaction to their engagement.

"Is this true?" He looks at Lan Zhan, who then comes to stand protectively beside Wei Ying, his arm wrapping around Wei Ying's waist, a clear show of his claim.

"Mn." Lan Zhan has always been able to hold himself in check, able to wait until whoever he happened to be negotiating with (because Lan Zhan didn't 'chat') to reveal their thoughts first, before himself.

Now is no exception, so he waits for Uncle Qiren to continue.

"If you are engaged to my nephew, then you should call me Uncle or Shifu." He says calmly, as if he hasn't just exceeded any expectations from the young men standing in front of him, ready to justify their actions.

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