Chapter 110

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Lan Zhan momentarily forgets about Nie MingJue.

Wei Ying is absolutely right!

If Uncle Qiren knows about vampires, what then?

He's going to have to come clean about himself. And if that's the case, he wants Wei Ying and XiChen there, when he does it.

He's barely aware of the car moving at a much slower pace, as they drive on towards the main house along the winding road.

Wei Ying sees a cab waiting, its engine running and the driver behind the wheel, as if waiting for someone.

As they get out of the Sports car, Da Tuzi and Wen PoPo come out of the Manor, with Da Tuzi carrying PoPo's bags.

"You're leaving?" Wei Ying exclaims, running up to her and folding her into his arms. "Are you truly okay, PoPo?" He whispers in her ear.

She hugs him back, her seemingly frail arms lending her a hidden strength as she squeezes him back.

"Haizi, it would take more than a couple of idiots to take me out!" She laughs about it, and that somehow makes Wei Ying feel much better.

"PoPo." Lan Zhan's deep voice interrupts them, and they pull apart.

"Now, now, don't you go worrying about me. I'm perfectly alright. Those beds are something else!" She looks back towards the manor and nudges Wei Ying in a conspiratory whisper. "Best night's sleep!"

"Then where are you going?" Wei Ying asks her, as Lan Zhan wraps an arm around his waist.

"I got the all clear this morning, my apartment is fumigated and ready to move back into. While I appreciate the change, there's no place like home," she giggles, watching as Da Tuzi loads up her car.

He then goes around to the driver and gives him some money, and they overhear him requesting him to assist PoPo with her luggage when she reaches her home.

"Did you have a good time at the ceremony?" She winks at both of them.

Wei Ying doesn't know how much she knows about everything that happened, so he simply nods.

Lan Zhan remains silent.

"Well, I'll be off, then. Remember, if you need me, I'm only a phone call away." She pats Wei Ying on his head and he can't resist hugging her one last time.

Her chocolate brown eyes are brighter than normal when she pulls away, and she quickly gets into the cab. Da Tuzi closes the trunk, hitting it twice to tell the driver that they're ready and he can leave.

Wei Ying waves at her until the taxi is no longer visible.

Then they go inside.


A-Yuan and JingYi are anxious when they meet Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, but their fears are quickly laid to rest as JingYi explains why they played hooky from school today.

Wei Ying picks up each boy one at a time, and kisses them all over their faces as they squeal in delight, trying to get away from him. This is what he has missed, being normal with them.

Wei Ying giggles at Lan Zhan's face, his guilty expression one to be remembered forever. But Uncle Qiren doesn't let them stand around idly for long; they are ushered into the dining room where Nie Huaisang and XiChen are already sitting down at the table, leaving a gap between them for MingJue.

Nie MingJue arrives shortly afterwards, clearly having straightened up himself. His shirt is fully buttoned and face freshly washed, as he sits down at the table.

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