Chapter 24

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Wednesday starts off ordinarily.

There is nothing to signify that anything extraordinary is going to happen, or the repercussions of what is going to happen will be such a small discovery.

It is like throwing a small pebble into a still lake and watching the ripples continuously affecting the surface.

The pebble was probably not even aware of its impact; neither was it in any way in control of what would happen. It is an unwilling and ignorant participant in the whole act…and such is the case of certain people.

Hindsight would certainly beg the question: had anyone known what would occur from each single act of theirs, would they have continued to behave in the same way?

The Game of Life has always been a gamble.

But even if everyone plays to win, there can only be one winner… and someone else has to be the loser.

Such is the law of dynamics.

And Balance is the Key.

Breakfast time in the Wei family apartment is always a rushed affair. It has and probably always will be such.

Discreet and hurried kisses which mean more now with the added ingredients of love and desire are scattered in between getting ready for the school run.

When Wei Ying returns, domestic duties fuel the usage of the limited time available.

Lan Zhan makes Wei Ying a packed lunch to take with him to his first job, and then the rest of the time is spent going grocery shopping and tidying up the apartment.

It's past three when Lan Zhan finally gets a chance to sit down and examine the curious pictures of last night, which are on his phone.

The symbol seems to be incredibly important.

Why would someone go to such extreme lengths to use a special paint? Obviously, to only appear to those who would suspect its existence…to those actively searching for it…but what does it mean?

A short vertical line with an upside down smile, and two dots underneath.

This is frustrating on a whole other level because Lan Zhan knows it must be crucial.

Like having a name on the tip of his tongue, the answer is just out of reach…

He hears Wei Ying coming up the steps just as Lan Zhan boots up the computer. He leaps over the couch so that he's by the door exactly when it opens. He gets to see the beautiful shock in those lovely silver eyes, just before Lan Zhan pushes him up against the back of the door.

It is an unspoken agreement to kiss.

Wei Ying is pliant in his arms and they both let out a groan of satisfaction when he jumps up into Lan Zhan’s arms. Wei Ying is a welcome weight in his hands and Lan Zhan loves the simplicity of this: the feeling that everything important to him is right here.

Wei Ying deepens the kiss with his added height, and Lan Zhan is lost in this tender embrace. The scent of vanilla and lotus flowers lingers all around him, intoxicating and mesmerising. All of his attention is on this lovely man, gorgeous and captivating. Lan Zhan is consumed with need, his lips kissing down a silky throat.

"Um…Lan Zhan…?" Wei Ying breathes out.



Lan Zhan stops.

There's a quiet knock on the door.

If Lan Zhan could be embarrassed, his face would be red, and his ears aflame.

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