Chapter 80

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01.00am Sunday

The drive back to the Lan Manor was quiet.

Wei Ying's eyes were burning from fatigue, but he couldn't sleep, not when his mind and body were yearning for the comforting presence of his beloved. Wei Ying made a promise to himself that as soon as he had Lan Zhan back, he was going to smother him in kisses, and do an elaborate proposal, the whole works. Something to really knock his socks off.

He thought about a different world, one where he might have met Lan Zhan as an ordinary person, maybe on a bus or in a shop one day, an accidental meeting which would definitely have led to more.

No vampires to spoil anyone's life, no one getting ready to hurt anyone, no kidnappings, no separation at all. Just the four of them, Lan Zhan, A-Yuan and A-Yi, and himself.

Then he let himself get angry.

This wild strength was his and as long as he had it, he was going to finish every single vampire that opposed him, every single vampire that dared to stand in his way. If Wen Rouhan thought that he was going to just give him whatever he wanted, just because he asked for it, he had another thing coming.

Wei Ying was going to obliterate that nest of Vampires until Wen Rouhan's name was just a bad memory, if that.

His fingers curled into fists, the crescents of his nails embedded into the softer, fleshy parts of his hand.

He had one objective, and that was to get Lan Zhan back.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out Lan Zhan's phone. It wasn't much damaged, only a crack or two on the protector screen, and still in perfect working order. He didn't even know what Lan Zhan's pass code was, but he knew it started with a three followed by a one, and since that was a special number for himself, he typed in his date of birth, crowing with delight when it worked.

XiChen glanced at him; they were waiting at a red light.

"I got it right!" Wei Ying explained, showing him Lan Zhan's phone screen. "I don't know Lan Zhan's security code, but it's my date of birth!"

"Hmm. That sounds like my Didi. When we love, we fall hard."

Wei Ying blinked back those stupid tears, feeling suddenly emotional. It wasn't fair. This man had lost his brother, for the second time in just a few months, and this time, Lan Zhan wasn't safe at all.

Wei Ying missed him so much.

It was a deep, dark hole, unfathomable really. The only way to get through this time was to not think about Lan Zhan, because lack of sleep and fatigue were making Wei Ying unreasonably tearful. His thoughts were erratic and drifting, like an uncoordinated bumblebee flitting haphazardly among the summer blooms, unable to concentrate on any single one.

He turned back to the phone, hoping Lan Zhan would forgive him this one time, when he realised how necessary it was.

Wei Ying was shocked at the notifications, too.

Countless unread messages, and ten missed calls.

All from Wen Qing.

Why did Wen Qing want to talk to Lan Zhan? And why hadn't she rung Wei Ying? Hold on, Wei Ying thought, pulling out his phone.

Sure enough, he had just as many missed calls and messages.

Something must be terribly wrong for her to reach out like this, and to both of them, no less.

He opened up the chat with Wen Qing.

The first message had him sitting up straight, suddenly alert.

WQ: Please pick up! You have to watch out! All my notes were copied off my work computer, everything I had on you and Lan WangJi.

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