Chapter 50

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Lan Zhan cannot look away.

Wei Ying is wearing skin tight black formal trousers and a scarlet shirt that hugs his lean body in the way a scabbard is made for its sword.

Wei Ying is a lethal weapon in his own right.

Not only is he hot, as if just emerging from the ashes of a true volcano, but he has added black eyeliner, and a shimmering granite eyeshadow. It highlights his beautiful smoking eyes, accentuating his natural silver flecks.

Lan Zhan is absolutely besotted with him.

But as he goes in to kiss him, Wei Ying's hand stops his mouth from moving forward.

"Uh, uh, Mister. You have some explaining to do, and we don't have the time right now. But we are talking when we get back tonight." And with that, he storms past Lan Zhan, leaving him feeling terribly hot, and anxious, and muddled, and everything in between.

What was the matter?

Lan Zhan's gaze falls on the open wardrobe and the clothes that are spilling out of it, most of them for Wei Ying.

Oh no.

Had he really bought all those?

When did it get out of hand like that?

He couldn't remember purchasing all of those, but he must have, right?

Wei Ying and the children are already waiting for Lan Zhan when he leaves the bedroom, an apologetic look on his face as he pouts at Wei Ying.

Gotta be strong, Wei Ying tells himself, forcing himself to turn away quickly, because he hasn't finished making Lan Zhan grovel yet.

There's an uncomfortable silence in the car as they drive to wherever Lan Zhan's Uncle lives. Lan Zhan is scared to turn on the music even, and the kids have twigged that something is wrong because there's no excited chattering from them, either.

Wei Ying wasn't sure what he was expecting when he wondered about where Uncle Qiren lived. This, certainly wasn't it.

They have arrived in the best part of town where the smallest houses have a minimum of ten bedrooms. There are fountains outside some of these properties, or else gates with winding drives all the way to distant huge buildings, each one more ostentatious than the previous ones.

The sheer wealth on display has Wei Ying sinking deeper and deeper into his seat.

If he had thought having millions of dollars was going to give him a big head, well then, this was the way to get a reality check, because anyone who could afford to live here was rolling in wealth.

In comparison, Wei Ying had a trifling amount to his name.

He had chosen to wear his long hair up in a ponytail tonight, tied with a scarlet ribbon that matched his shirt. The ribbon was in honour of his mother, because he wanted something of his parents with him tonight, something that proved he wasn't alone. And so what if he didn't know for sure if it belonged to her, but she was wearing it in the photo that rested inside the black heart locket around his neck.

His fingers touched it, cold metal on the outer side, and warm where it rested against his skin.

Would his parents be proud of him?

He knew he looked good...but, wasn't internal integrity more valuable?

Wei Ying hoped that his parents would approve of the man he had become now, but the truth was, he hadn't had the luxury of thinking about them for a long time. Only when Lan Zhan had found his old necklace.

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