Chapter 118

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Wei Ying glances at his watch. It's just gone past six o'clock, and Lan Zhan looks as if he wants to say something, so Wei Ying goes to his side.

"That was rather unexpected, the whole thing with Mo XuanYu," he remarks, gesturing to where the young man had been sitting on the sofa.


That was a sort of test by Wei Ying, to see if that was what Lan Zhan had on his mind, but apparently, it wasn't.

And why did Lan Zhan look kind of nervous all of a sudden? And maybe a little embarrassed, too?

Wei Ying pushes him down to sit on the loveseat and straddles his lap, staring intently into his beautiful golden eyes. He's trying to work it out.

Lan Zhan's big hands rest in a comfortable grip on his hips as he looks up, reluctantly.

"You're hiding something!" Wei Ying exclaims suddenly, and triumphantly.

Lan Zhan looks away, wondering how to explain, when there's a fast knocking on the door of the study and four people rush in.

"Is it time yet?" JingYi yells and then A-Yuan hushes him, and they're both giggling with excitement, as they bounce and dance in one place, as only kids can.

Wei Ying quickly gets off his fiancé, willing his face to go back to normal from the tomato red flush. To be fair, he wasn't counting on being interrupted.

"What's going on?" He asks, the question aimed more at the adults who have followed his children inside the room.

"IT'S A SURPRISE!" Both children shout, and this time, XiChen lifts a finger to his lips.

Uncle Qiren merely frowns at the loudness of it all.

"You're going on a date!" JingYi whisper-shouts, and then both boys start laughing again.

"Can we help you, Baba?" A-Yuan asks Wei Ying sweetly.

"Please??" JingYi pouts.

It's all too much for Wei Ying, who looks to Lan Zhan for help. "A date?"


It's a very powerful feeling, being the central focus of that golden gaze.

Lan Zhan takes his hand, as if scared that somehow Wei Ying will fly away unless he holds him close.

"Would Wei Ying like to join me?"

Wei Ying is already nodding, and the children cheer loudly.

Uncle Qiren gives up trying to calm them down, and goes to sit on his chair.

"All of us?" Wei Ying looks around at their children.

"Don't be silly!" JingYi looks affronted as if Wei Ying has a screw loose.

"We're staying with Shifu and XiChen-Gege!" A-Yuan tells him, coming to stand by Wei Ying. "So please can we help you to get ready?"

JingYi comes to stand by A-Yuan and they hold hands, both with twin looks of yearning towards Wei Ying.

"You want to help me? To get ready?" Wei Ying is already in disbelief, and then another thought grips him. "Hang on, why don't you both want to help HIM?" He jerks a thumb towards Lan Zhan, staring at these two little mischievous imps.

"Oh, Zhan-Gege always looks great!" They exclaimed dismissively, as though Wei Ying lived and dressed like a tramp.

He's not sure whether to be offended that they think he needs the help, or that they have a higher opinion of Lan Zhan's taste in fashion. And the whole thing is terribly amusing.

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