Chapter 70

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The drive back to Baoshan Sanren's place is quiet, with both men lost in thought. Lan Zhan drives on autopilot, only realising where they are when there's a tap on his window, startling Wei Ying, too.

Xiao XingChen is waiting for them, and that small act has made Lan Zhan's irritation flare up unreasonably. He's out of the car in a flash, and over to Wei Ying's side, having opened the door.

"Come along...Honey."

Wei Ying chokes out a shocked laugh. He can't keep a straight face, all throughout the silent elevator ride down to his grandmother. He keeps tittering, and Xiao XingChen keeps glaring at both of them, which Lan Zhan pointedly ignores, enjoying the spluttering chuckles that come from Wei Ying's mouth every time he even accidentally looks in his direction.

Worth it.

Lan Zhan's hands are full, one arm around Wei Ying's waist and the other holding his tote bag. Again, he wonders at the nonexistent weight of the armour in the bag, shocked because from what it looks like, it should be as heavy as an anvil. But he can barely feel it.

Baoshan Sanren is waiting for them by the doors.

"I was worried. Your text said you were going to be late, but not why." She folds her arms around Wei Ying immediately in a warm hug.

"Uh, sorry Grandmother. I should have been clearer." Wei Ying smiles, hugging her back. "But wait till you see what we found!"

The library feels welcoming and comfortable today, as they take turns telling her about their morning. She pours out hot, fresh tea sweetened with honey, while they talk, and the aroma it lets out feels welcoming.

Wei Ying is the most vocal, especially when taking out the items from Lan Zhan's bag, and they can tell she really wants to cry when she sees the book with Wei Ying's name on it, from the way her eyes become red-rimmed. She is in turn, amazed and shocked with their discoveries, not only with the book, but with the armour, too.

She scolds them for bringing it to her in a tote bag.

"Something like this should be brought with honour."

"We didn't have a choice." Wei Ying explains.

They tell her about the wards on the Lan residence and the inside protection, even about Da Tuzi and his mysterious saviour. But it's when they mention the box pertaining to Xue Yang, that Xiao XingChen perks up.

"If you don't mind, I would like to take a look, whenever you can."

Wei Ying nods in his direction. He's just about to answer when his stomach does it for him, instead.

"It's lunchtime." Lan Zhan says, looking at Xiao XingChen on purpose.

He's about to argue, when Baoshan Sanren says, "please?"

He stomps off, muttering under his breath, with words like "lackey" and "errand boy" reaching their ears.

"Why are you antagonising him?" Wei Ying asks Lan Zhan.

"He took Wei Ying away." Lan Zhan replies easily, still bristling about that.

"He also saved me." Wei Ying points out, unhelpfully.

Lan Zhan's shrug says it all, and Wei Ying knows there's no point in talking to Lan Zhan if he's already made his mind up about someone.

"Anyway, Grandma, what do you think about this? Did you know, Mama could also read grandfather's notes?" Wei Ying carries on talking to her. He pulls out Chenqing and the musical score.

Baoshan Sanren smiles at the familiar characters, and her glance falls on Lan Zhan's tote bag.

"Oh, are you watching that, too?" She asks him. "I've only just started it." She was referring to the show that Lan Zhan liked to watch.

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