Chapter 58

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Baoshan Sanren hands them a single sheet with rows of numbers and figures.

Wei Ying stares at it, hoping that something about his intense look will transform the data into actual, comprehensive information that they can understand. He glances at Lan Zhan, who is glaring at the paper like it stole his money.

And is denying it.

"Want me to explain?" Baoshan Sanren offers, with a smirk.

Wei Ying nods eagerly.

"So this here is platelet count, white cells, red...." Baoshan Sanren starts talking and in less than twenty seconds, Wei Ying's eyes have glazed over and he's stopped listening.

He turns to see if Lan Zhan is having the same problem, but he's avidly interested, even asking important sounding questions and nodding along like this is all making sense to him.

What is going on?

Wei Ying is gaping at both of them, thinking how crazy this feels. They're his results and yet he's not getting it.

Lan Zhan notices his expression, and takes his hand.

"I'll explain in a moment," he says.

It makes Wei Ying feel so much better.

Lan Zhan has a lovely way of speaking to him, an ability to decipher phrases and convey their meaning so Wei Ying understands him immediately. All without making Wei Ying feel like he's less somehow, that he's stupid for not understanding; it's also without the superior bullshit that previously others have used on him.

Lan Zhan is patient and makes sure Wei Ying keeps up.

So far when they've been writing Wei Ying's chapters daily, it's Wei Ying who has to explain to Lan Zhan why he would have chosen one course of action over another, and by working together, they each have been able to show their strengths and have been supported in their weaknesses.

For example, Lan Zhan has learned that Wei Ying is a whizz at editing videos and finding easy editing solutions. He's wonderful at picking catchy music to go with their videos and soon, they'll have more time to devote to this extra career.

He's seen the way Wei Ying's eyes light up when it's time to post things on social media about their upcoming channel. Wei Ying constantly finds new angles of filming, or taking pictures, ones that Lan Zhan would never even have thought of, and with each other, they have discovered that they slot together like a cardboard animal, pieces designed to fit perfectly.

Wei Ying is a tech wizard.

Together, they make a great team.

When Baoshan Sanren finishes telling Lan Zhan what she thinks the results mean, he nods thoughtfully, thinking about the best way to tell him.

"Those test samples were old," Lan Zhan says, pointing at the ones from the doctor's office. "In just one week, there have been significant changes in Wei Ying's blood."

"Significant changes?" Wei Ying echoes, looking back at him with wide eyes.

Lan Zhan is helpless from letting hope colour his next words.

"These test results show the cancer receding. Further checks should be done, but for now, it looks like Wei Ying is fighting back." Lan Zhan can't stay away any more, and his lips land on Wei Ying's forehead in relief.

"Just by myself?" Wei Ying doesn't want to doubt it, but it's hard to believe.

Just last week, he was passing out, and the headaches, all of it...he couldn't simply accept that this was all of his own doing.

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