Chapter 19

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Wei Ying looks as shocked as Lan Zhan feels.

The knock comes again and Lan Zhan freezes up.

He can't think.

This is why he makes no move to stop Wei Ying as he opens the door, only enough to step outside. He can hear them perfectly well though.

"Let me see my brother." XiChen sounds angry now.

"Hear me out." Wei Ying is placating.

His Xiongzhang must have nodded, because it's Wei Ying who continues to speak.

"So…um, this is unexpected…I don't think Lan Zhan was … is ready to see you yet."

"Who are you?" XiChen demands. There is the threat of violence now.

Lan Zhan can smell the change in the air. And Wei Ying is tense.

Wen Ning stands up from the couch.

Lan Zhan had forgotten he was there.

"What's going on?" Wen Ning asks, quietly standing next to him.

"My brother is outside. Wei Ying is trying to talk to him." Lan Zhan explains.

Without a second thought, Wen Ning steps outside to stand next to Wei Ying, shoulder to shoulder.

Wei Ying won't lie, it feels great to have a stronger, taller friend standing so close to him, the best back up he could wish for. Wen Ning had always been close to him and this loyalty was unconditional.

XiChen's eyes flicker over to the second man, before returning to Wei Ying.

"Are you keeping my brother here against his will?"

Wen Ning laughs, while Wei Ying’s eyes have gone wide with shock.

"No! Why would you think that?" And as always, Wei Ying is a fast thinker. So he adds, "listen, you must have followed us…so you must have seen us come home. Do we really look like a kidnapper and his victim?"

XiChen reluctantly shakes his head after a while.

"So…don't you think…Lan Zhan deserves to decide? If he wants to see you or not?" Wei Ying sounds kinder now.

"But…what if…I really want to see him?" XiChen's voice breaks at the end.

"That's not up to you." Wei Ying is firm.

There's something about Wei Ying in control which makes Lan Zhan shiver. He knows it isn't the right time for him to be thinking about that, but his reaction is sudden and unexpected.

It's something to think about…

"I can call the police." XiChen says.

It sounds hollow, though…as if he's unsure of taking that step.

"You're the one that's trespassing." Wen Ning points out.

He steps forward too, and it's only because of Wei Ying's hand on his shoulder that he stops. But he glowers at the stranger.

"I would imagine the cops would be on our side." Wei Ying sounds amused. "And I'm not above seeing that happen….however, I've got a better idea."

"I could beat him up." Wen Ning offers.

Wei Ying laughs softly. "No need…at least, not yet."

Lan Zhan is very glad they are outside, in between himself and his brother.

"Other than…violence, what are you thinking?" XiChen asks.

"How about we let Lan Zhan decide?" He replies, simply. "If you care about him, you will know that it's the best option."

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