Chapter 95

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10.00am Sunday

Wei Ying opened his eyes with a gasp, as if his consciousness had slammed back into his body.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan gathered him up into his arms, ignoring everyone else.

Wei Ying could feel him shaking still, and he immediately knew how Lan Zhan was feeling. After Lan Zhan's kidnapping, Wei Ying understood that better than anyone else, what it felt like to be powerless and at someone else's mercy, when the one you loved was in danger.

"What happened to you?" Baoshan Sanren asked him, stroking his hair from behind them.

Wei Ying gave Lan Zhan a deep squeeze, kissing his cheek and making sure he was partially alright enough so that Wei Ying could lean back. His golden eyes shone with relief, and Wei Ying knew that it was okay.

"First, let's get a message to Mo XuanYu. We haven't got a signal here, so we're going to have to send someone back up there." Wei Ying points up towards the ceiling, meaning the ground level.

He doesn't wait for permission or clarification because they don't have time.

Wei Ying closes his eyes and one by one, he wakes the members of their team until everyone except the feral vampires are able to move about.

The two vampires that he doesn't know the names of, volunteer for the mission to pass a message on.

"Tell Mo XuanYu to cut the feed to the security room. At the moment, Wen Rouhan can see us, and everything we do, which has to be stopped. Once that's done, we can make a move." Wei Ying is decisive and has the makings of a plan in his head.

If they proceed step by step, there's a chance that they can all make it out alive, after taking care of their enemies. But the one thing that Wen Rouhan has against them is Wen Ning as a hostage.

"We don't know what the situation is up there, so please be careful. Do not take any unnecessary risks," he tells them, as they leave. "And until they come back, I can fill you in on what happened to me." Wei Ying takes Baoshan Sanren by the hand and pulls her down to sit next to him, and he's smiling now.

Lan Zhan makes sure he's on Wei Ying's other side.

Until this mess is sorted out, he's not going to leave Wei Ying, no matter what happens. About that, he's certain.

Wei Ying is smiling, and it's a balm to the worry in his head.

As Lan Zhan sits down, Wei Ying reaches for him with his free hand, a way to stay connected. It is much appreciated, right now.

"So, you know you told me to ask the HeartStone for help?" At his grandmother's nod, Wei Ying continues. "It turns out that was the best advice! Grandfather had left a part of his consciousness there, just for this eventuality. He didn't know who I was and once he found out, well, it was really nice to meet him." Wei Ying's voice becomes thicker as his eyes mist over.

"You met A-San?" Baoshan Sanren tightens her hold on Wei Ying's hand, completely unaware of her actions. " was he?"

She's blinking really fast, and Wei Ying knows how important this is. Maybe now is not the time to tell her everything, but certainly he should say as much as was safe, and preferably nothing that would end up with him being injured.

"Um...ow, grandmother?" Wei Ying shook their hands so she would know she was clenching too hard.

"Oh, sorry. I's a lot to take in." She lessens her grip, smiling sheepishly.

"That's okay. He loves you very much." Wei Ying can tell she's having difficulty swallowing now. "And he asked if you still have the music box he made when my mother turned one? For her first birthday?" Wei Ying looks back at her hopefully.

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