Chapter 140

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Driving to the hospital the next day, Lan Zhan looks over to Wei Ying. His expression is much happier today, after a much needed rest. Both of his hands are holding Lan Zhan's right hand, only letting go when Lan Zhan needs to use it.

"Is Wei Ying alright with XiChen's suggestions?" He asks, genuinely wanting to know.

Last night, XiChen had stepped in with an offer to plan their wedding, saying that since he had gotten engaged with MingJue, he had done plenty of research into venue and caterers etc, and he didn't mind organising their wedding, if they were up for it. All they had to do was decide on a date.

"Yeah, I think I am," Wei Ying smiles at him. "Is it weird if I want it to happen as soon as possible now? Like I can't wait to start our life together! It's exciting," he adds defensively, when Lan Zhan huffs out a laugh.

"So all this time when I was asking?" He lets his words hang, soaking in indignation.

"Maybe I work faster when I've got a deadline? I dunno." Wei Ying shrugs. "Do you think he'll be able to pull it off? Two weeks isn't a long time."

They had decided on the 8th of December, though now that it had come to it, Wei Ying didn't mind if it was sooner.

"XiChen can do anything," Lan Zhan tells him.

It's not that Lan Zhan believes he can, but more of a cemented fact that he knows it's possible. But he can detect a little sadness.

"Wei Ying? What is it?"

"It's not's just it would have been nice if we could have gotten married in the summer, at the new house. I know nothing is finalised yet, Heathcliff hasn't even agreed to sell it to us, and I get it. But... you asked me where and when I wanted to get married...and if I had a choice, well then, that's what I want." He kisses their joined hands. "It's okay though, I understand why Uncle is pushing us to hurry."

Lan Zhan thinks about it.

"Then how about we marry officially as soon as possible, but the ceremony wedding we can wait for? We can get married as many times as Wei Ying wishes to." Luckily they're at a red light, and Lan Zhan can lean over to kiss Wei Ying's cheek. "Whatever Wei Ying wants."

"But I feel silly saying it, pushing for something that others might find superfluous." Wei Ying sighs, looking out of his window.

"It is not silly." Lan Zhan feels angry on his behalf. "If my husband wants something, he's going to get it. It is my privilege to make sure of it."

They park in the hospital car park, and the moment Lan Zhan kills the engine, Wei Ying has scrambled over the gearbox to climb into his lap, peppering his face with kisses.

"You beautiful man!" He cries, continuing to apply his affections.

Lan Zhan is very proud of himself.


Today, there's a big difference when they enter the hospital and enter the ICU.

The chairman of the hospital is waiting for them, with a retinue of staff waiting upon him. He welcomes them to his hospital, and they make small talk, before he gets to the serious stuff.

"The girls are fortunate," he says, gesturing to the baby girls within the contained room. "As Qiren pointed out to me, last night. As you know, we still have to attempt to contact the biological parents, but we've contacted Social services on your behalf. Apparently, they've recently approved your adoption of another six year old child? That will work in your favour."

Wei Ying has already plastered himself to the glass window, watching the girls.

It leaves Lan Zhan to have to speak to this man.

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