Chapter 23

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XiChen was late.

XiChen was never late.

Lan Zhan focused on his hearing and paid extra attention to the sounds of anyone climbing up those stairs, hoping it was his brother. Finally at seven thirty, he shot off a text asking him where he was, and the reply was immediate.

LXC: Sorry Didi, running a bit late, should be there in about half an hour.

Only then, Lan Zhan felt a little bit calmer.

He knew he was feeling on edge because of the latest developments regarding his attack, and so when Wen Ning arrived to babysit A-Yuan, he excused himself to go through his old yoga routine.

After he had centred himself and forcibly made himself relax, he performed his stretches in order, calming his body and mind.

Then he returned to A-Yuan and Wen Ning.

A-Yuan was already delighted with him; Lan Zhan had bought him the latest Lego sets and they were both looking for parts to add to the castle. This was going to be a big project.

Wei Ying had returned with JingYi and A-Yuan at three thirty and Lan Zhan already had snacks waiting for all three. He made Wei Ying eat more than the kids because he knew Wei Ying might not get a chance to, later on. Though this didn't stop him from packing him a tupperware container of leftover pasta.

A few stolen kisses later, and Wei Ying disappeared to his next job. Wen Ning arrived by six and Lan Zhan made him eat with the children, before they went to drop JingYi off back to his home, a few floors up.

Lan Zhan felt extremely pleased when he heard JingYi whisper to A-Yuan, "He's really cool." And then proceed to demolish his bowl of pasta.

"What's up with JingYi?" Lan Zhan asked A-Yuan and Wen Ning, when they returned from dropping him off.

"His mother was home." Wen Ning replied, glancing at A-Yuan.

"They don't hug in JingYi's family." A-Yuan said. He sounded subdued.

Lan Zhan quickly realised it wasn't the sort of thing to talk about with a six year old. He resolved to talk to Wei Ying about it later.

"Then we must make sure he gets hugs from us." Lan Zhan told him, smiling when A-Yuan looked so much happier at the prospect. "We'll have to give him the ones he missed already, too."

A-Yuan nodded, thinking.

"Are there only a certain amount of hugs a person is allowed?" He asked, hunting for a black square lego piece.

"No. It's like putting money away in a bank. It's an investment." Lan Zhan says, lips upturned.

Wen Ning catches his eye and genuinely smiles back.

"Imvestmunt?" A-Yuan asks.

"Investment." Lan Zhan repeats.

They practise saying the word until A-Yuan gets it right.

"What's that?" A-Yuan shows him the little tower he's made to add to the castle on the left side.

Lan Zhan nods encouragingly as he continues to explain. "Banks have certain accounts where the more money you put in, they give you a reward. It's called interest. So we've got to do the same for JingYi…we've got to give him hugs and then interest hugs, because he never got those ones. Understand?"

A-Yuan beams.

The sudden smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds, a dramatic change. He stands up and hugs Lan Zhan.

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