Chapter 105

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CONTENT WARNING: MENTIONS OF BLOOD AND GORE (I'm not too great at this, but if it bothers you, please skip this chapter. I'll try not to be too descriptive, though.)

17.00 pm Sunday

Edgy, dark and disturbing.

Their attacks were brutal, with only annihilation on their minds. They were terrifying to behold: dark eyes magnetic with unspeakable rage, one objective to fulfil.

To defeat their enemies.

The surge was dominating, fast and mind-blowing in their efficiency as the vampires threw themselves into the fight. There was no time to prepare, not in their heads and certainly not physically.

The moves that usually came as naturally as breathing became stilted and heavy, the weight of their weapons posing different problems that the Network of Vampires had never even thought of before.

To have the gift of super strength, agility and quick thinking always at hand, and then to suddenly have it taken away? In the blink of an eye, they were reduced to ordinary people, weak and uncoordinated in their response.

The opposing vampires sensed an easy victory and shot forward, fangs dripping with venom and eager for the kill. Time pulsed in between, a staccato of death and destruction, as the formidable Sea of angry vampires tore into Baoshan Sanren's army with skill and precision.

Thirsty for blood.

This was not an equal fight.

And everyone knew it.

Wen Zhong in his insatiable need for victory had turned the tables and tossed out chivalry in battle, fairness in fighting, and swapped out all the good qualities for an unjust, biassed advantage in this final fight.

Like this, fighting with puny human strength and in spite of the sharpness of their weapons, Baoshan Sanren and her army of vampires were going to lose.

Unless Wei Ying did something.

All around them, the coppery stink of defeat rang out, hidden behind snarls of vicious biting, the clang of metal upon metal screeching in protest, and sparks flying all around him.

Wei Ying's fingers shook as he brought out Chenqing, the cool metal vibrating in his hands.

They were protecting him, he realised as his eyes took note of every single person here. All the people he knew, and sone that he did not, formed an impenetrable circle around him, so that the enemy couldn't reach him. It must have been discussed beforehand and no one had told him this. They kept it from him because his grandmother knew he would have objected.

Such a sacrifice could not be ignored.

This was their last chance to eradicate this threat, the Wen's tyranny over each and every vampire. To treat humans like a piece of steak by devaluation.

Two deep breaths and his mind became clear.

Mama, he said, closing his eyes and reaching out for her.

This is for you.

He gathered all of his energy, all of his focus and propelled it into this connection with the flute. Chenqing hummed with urgency as the first note rang out. In that one second of the silence it created, the vampires paused, confused at what was happening.

Wei Ying concentrated his mind to see their colours in his head, and once he singled out Lan Zhan, Baoshan Sanren and her team, he placed them in a bubble of protection. And then he played with a renewed frenzy.

This audible attack struck the savage vampires directly through their ears and straight to their brains. Immobile, aware but able to do nothing except watch with growing horror as they faced an enemy far more formidable than they ever had.

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