Chapter 18

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A vampire.

The thought was giving him chills.

Lan Zhan knew it was coming; he had been getting the signs for this change for the past three days.

It should not be such a shock.

He had been overwhelmed by this beautiful man in his arms so he could be excused for not thinking about it... but now that it had happened for real, Lan Zhan could be forgiven for taking a few moments just to get used to it.

He sifted through his thoughts first, checking which ones he wanted to examine.

It wasn't fair.

He knew this, and still it happened to him; he had to let go of this futile and time-wasting thought.

It was what it was, and there was no point in wishing otherwise, when the likelihood of changing back was the equivalent of watching pigs fly.

Onto the next one.

How did he feel about this?

It actually wasn't bad.

He had been fortunate enough to watch a Ted talk recently, which scientifically proved how gay people improved society, that they were likely to be more intelligent and empathetic than their "normal" counterparts.

It made him feel even better about being gay, and luckily, his family was intelligent enough to appreciate him regardless of his preferences.

This was a new change to his life and was nature's improvement...and Lan Zhan actually liked it. Perhaps that was a little too optimistic for now, but he could grow to like it... he was sure.

There was still so much to figure out about this condition, and yet somehow... looking at this wonderful person in his arms, Lan Zhan couldn't bring himself to regret anything.

Change, perhaps not so severe, usually was a part of life that nobody could ignore. It could be fought against or accepted, but other than his own reaction to it, there was nothing Lan Zhan could do about it.

Lan Zhan was lucky enough to have this family to help him through the hardest part... now the question was, how was his own family going to take it?

This was far more difficult to think about.

His brother, XiChen, was a kinder person than his uncle.

No... maybe it was wrong to paint uncle as an unkind person because that wasn't true at all. Would it be better to say that sometimes, Uncle Qiren could be severe in his dealings with his nephews? And it was this severity that was absent from his brother.

And then... what about his profession?

Just his hours had to change, and Lan Zhan saw no reason why he couldn't work from home with a computer. He could even work from here.

This was sounding better and better.

What he didn't want to think about was actually telling them about himself.

He was going to have to be brave.

But XiChen had given him time, he thinks. As much as he needed.

He will miss sleeping, Lan Zhan thinks. Not the health benefits because that was a moot point now, but the actual act of sleeping.

The getting one's self ready for sleep, the relaxation which was a prelude to actually falling asleep.

Wei Ying snuggles closer, and his warmth is much welcomed.

Lan Zhan closes his eyes out of habit.

Tomorrow morning, he will tell Wei Ying first.

Wei Ying is on his side.

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