Chapter 109

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They open the door to Baoshan Sanren's office, not expecting to find her there. She's sitting behind her desk and she puts a finger across her lips, telling them to be quiet. She points at the sofa where Mo XuanYu is fast asleep, covered by a blanket.

She beckons them closer.

Wei Ying is pleased to see her wearing a soft pink lounge suit, instead of her precious white dress. She must have showered recently because her hair is still damp.

She gets up from her chair to come around her desk to hug them.

"How are you both feeling today?" She whispers, her brow furrowed with concern.

"Tired but nothing sleep won't fix," Wei Ying beams at her, hugging her tightly. "Grandma, you gave me such a scare!"

Lan Zhan nods, his agreement with Wei Ying's words, and silently answering her question on how he feels.

"Ah, well, I should have been more careful. But I was too grateful to be rid of that vermin." She sighs quietly to herself and envelopes Lan Zhan in a bear hug. "It will take some time to be fully over this but, you did exceptionally well, both of you, for your first ever fight." She grins at Wei Ying. "I bet my armoury is looking mighty attractive now, huh?"

Wei Ying shook his head, but he was smiling.

"I don't see myself fighting like that. I much preferred playing Chenqing."

"It suits you," she replies, simply. "But the offer to train there is still open, whenever you want to." She glances at both of them.

"I will take you up on that offer," Lan Zhan says, surprising the other two.

"Really?" Wei Ying squeezes their hands. "Why?"

"I want to be able to protect my family, any way I can." Lan Zhan sounds too determined for Wei Ying to argue, so he smiles and shrugs.

"I suppose we'll be regularly visiting Grandma here, anyway. Grandma, we actually came here to get Mo XuanYu, see if he's hungry enough to join us for breakfast? I wanna see my kids." Wei Ying is already bouncing on his feet, anxiously waiting to get going. "Wanna join us?"

"Not today. I'm going over everything A-Yu found in the files he copied from the Wen mainframe. That's another problem." She sighs again.

"What is?" Wei Ying takes her hand with his free one. "And how can we help?"

"The biggest problem is what do we do from here? We have lots of incriminating data and evidence of the crimes that Wen Rouhan and his family have taken part in. The question is, do we go ahead and inform the authorities? By doing that, we risk exposure of our kind, and I know for a fact that we are solidarity folk. No one wants to cause a panic, because for sure, that's what will happen." Baoshan Sanren squeezes his hand and lets go of it. "If it only affected us, we could decide one way or another."

"Why not ask everyone to vote, then?" Wei Ying says, glancing at Lan Zhan. "It's only fair that everyone gets a say in which way this should go, right? And I'm guessing most of the Network of Vampires are still around? Then you could hold a meeting and find out what they think."

"Good idea. I want Wen Qing to be there as well, because whatever we decide, it will affect her and the Wen Laboratories the most. Let me call a few people and see what happens, get the ball rolling." With renewed enthusiasm, Baoshan Sanren jumps back into her chair and picks up her phone. "Don't worry about him, I'll get him something when he wakes up," she gestured vaguely in Mo XuanYu's direction.

They wave goodbye and leave.

In the underground parking, Wei Ying grins at Lan Zhan's white Sports car.

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