Chapter 89

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07.00am Sunday

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan is so happy to see him.

He's striding forward, pushing past everyone in his way, eyes blazing with anger.

Lan Zhan has never seen him looking so hot.

But Wei Ying is furious, not only at these stupid bars holding him back from his beloved, but the fact that Lan Zhan is in there in the first place, and now that he's looking properly, he can see that Lan Zhan is hurt.

For a second, Lan Zhan could swear that his eyes flash red in a sudden rage.

"Stand back!" A-Qing calls out, and then she's pulled out twin scythes with jagged edges like saw mill blades, and then she's closing her eyes, muttering under her breath, and they blaze alight with a celestial fire.

Baoshan Sanren pulls Wei Ying away from the metal bars of the prison, warning the ones inside to take cover. Wen Qing has to help Lan Zhan move away, and she shields him from the thundering sparks as they explode in the air around them, wincing when her back feels a few of them.

And then Wei Ying is there, in all his heavenly lotus flower and vanilla scent, pushing Wen Qing out of the way, and climbing onto Lan Zhan's lap.

Lan Zhan is so glad that he's partially recovered from the strange tasering, because his arms come around his precious Wei Ying, holding him close.

Wei Ying is shaking.

"I am alright." Lan Zhan tells him, but Wei Ying is already shaking his head.

He turns his head sideways and yells, "LEAVE US!"

Again, his expression is almost feral as he takes in all of Lan Zhan's injuries, from the slashes on his arms and chest, his winces as Wei Ying shifts on his lap, and he is furious.

They can hear everyone leave them alone, here in this prison cell.

Now it's just the two of them.

"Who. Did. This. To. You?" Wei Ying demands, his tone too measured with a forced calmness. Each word is bitten out, a pause in between because Wei Ying is livid.

Lan Zhan is a little scared of him when he's in this mood.

And extremely turned on.

He's not just hot, no... Wei Ying is incandescent.

"Both of the Wen brothers." He answers quickly, just as a look of relief passes over Wei Ying's face, as he envelopes Lan Zhan in another hug.

For a few seconds, Lan Zhan lets himself relax and fully enjoy this feeling, one that only Wei Ying can give him.

The thin robes easily absorb liquid, because Lan Zhan can feel hot tears on his shoulder, and he knows that Wei Ying is crying.

"My love...Sweetheart..." he can't form any more words than that, and Lan Zhan wishes he hadn't been hurt in the first place, because of this pain that Wei Ying is feeling.

His large palms rub Wei Ying's back in soothing circles, wondering how to make it better because he can already smell Wei Ying's blood; it's a mix of sweet and spicy, like hot sauce.

"Is Wei Ying alright?" Lan Zhan doesn't know how they've suddenly arrived, but he's here, safe, and in his arms.

Nothing else matters.

"You need to feed from me." Wei Ying tells him, as soon as he can form the words.

"I am alright," Lan Zhan tells him softly, glad that he's sitting down already.

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