Chapter 133

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Lan Zhan was busy counting the number of lashes on Wei Ying's left eye as he slept, when he heard giggling from outside the door. It was faint and only possible because of his super sensitive hearing...

Eager to stop the children from spoiling the surprise in their excitement, and to stop them from waking Wei Ying, when the man needed his rest, Lan Zhan eased himself out of bed. He replaced himself with a pillow first, and made sure the sheet was tucked securely around Wei Ying, and then he stepped outside of their room.

Indeed, both A-Yuan and JingYi were standing and whispering to each other, both wearing baby blue onesies with white bunny ears and bunny slippers.

Lan Zhan had to smile at them. They were so cute!

"Baba is still sleeping, and it's early even for you," he said kindly, crouching down to their level.

"But Zhan-Gege, we're too excited to sleep!" JingYi said quickly, and A-Yuan clutched his hand, nodding over-enthusiastically.

"I see," he holds out his arms to hug both of them. "Are you hungry? Have you brushed your teeth?"

"We can wait for breakfast, but we need help to shower," A-Yuan says, kissing his cheek.

"Mn. Then shall we let Baba sleep for a little while longer, and we can be a team? If you teach me what to do, I can help you," he offers.

How bad can it be, helping kids to get ready for the day?

They cheer quietly and pull him towards their room, where they have an adjacent bathroom.

"What about a bath instead?" Lan Zhan asks them, hunting in the cabinet under the sink for something he has a feeling they will enjoy more than simply showering.

"A bath?" JingYi looks uncertain about it.

"I will if you will," A-Yuan tells him, holding his hand.

"It's fun," Lan Zhan says, smiling at their innocent faces. "Like hugging. When Baba said hugs were good, did you believe him?"

A-Yuan nods.

"Well, a bath is the same thing. You can play in the water and by the time you finish playing, you're clean. It's like magic."

That was the right thing to say, because they immediately start brushing their teeth while Lan Zhan prepares their bath, making sure to add extra bubble formula so they can make shapes. His own favourite was making bunnies with XiChen... a memory that resurfaces when he had forgotten all about it.

They used to have toys, he remembers, and he makes a note to buy some for this next generation of children who might enjoy them.

Lan Zhan helps them into the bath and the kids are delighted! He sits on the floor next to them just to make sure they're safe, and they begin to play cautiously at first, but then JingYi accidentally splashes him, and for a second, everyone freezes.

But then, Lan Zhan splashes them back and then it's all out war! Every man for himself, and the boys give as good as they get. Pretty soon, the bathroom is wetter than the bath, and the children are helplessly giggling and laughing. Even Lan Zhan has rolled his sleeves up and the smile hasn't left his face yet.

"Breakfast first, then costumes?" Lan Zhan tells them when they're dry and about to get dressed.

JingYi wants to protest with all the enthusiasm of a kid who thinks waiting is like dying, but to Lan Zhan's surprise, it's A-Yuan who calms him down.

"Zhan-Gege told me before, if we eat and get our clothes dirty, it won't be good. Let's have breakfast first, and we can eat fast. Then we can surprise Baba!"

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