Chapter 57

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The shrill ringing of Wei Ying's phone disturbed breakfast time on this Wednesday morning.

Everyone had woken up a little late, and since it was a domino effect, the children were currently gulping down their cereal as quickly as they could, while Wei Ying dealt with it.

"Mr Wei?"

"Hi, who is this?"

"I'm speaking from the doctor's office. Is there any chance you could pop in some time today?" The receptionist asks him.

"Yeah, er...sure. When is it good for you?" Wei Ying has paled, and Lan Zhan is already worried.

He can hear both sides of the conversation easily, and he's wondering whether this is about Wei Ying's biopsy.

"Any time today will be fine. The doctor will make time for you."

Wei Ying gulps and nods into the speaker, forgetting that she can't see him.

They say goodbye and Wei Ying ends the call, catching Lan Zhan's eye.

"We can go after the school run." Lan Zhan says smoothly, wanting to put Wei Ying at ease.

"But isn't Xiao XingChen coming?"

"We can pass a message on." Lan Zhan replied. He fished out his phone and rang Huaisang, explaining that he wanted the younger Nie brother to call on the last number in his call history and pass on a message for them.

Nie Huaisang was in good spirits, and immediately agreed.

Wen PoPo ushered them out as soon as he was done, and then they were on their way to school with A-Yuan and JingYi in the back. So far, the children had no idea how much Wei Ying was stressing quietly in his own head.

All the way to the playground, Lan Zhan watches Wei Ying chewing his lip nervously, and no amount of squeezing their hands together was helping. They waved bye to the kids and walked back to the car.

"I've been feeling better, lately." Wei Ying says.

"Mn." Lan Zhan can't help feeling a little smug about that. His theory, though not proved, seemed to be working so far, and it appeared to be beneficial to both of them.

"I haven't passed out again."


"No dizzy spells, either."


When they reach the car, instead of going to the driver's side, Lan Zhan wraps his arms around Wei Ying in a warm hug. He might not be able to provide the temperature, but what he lacks in that department, he more than makes up for by willpower.

His big palm rubs circles on Wei Ying's back, simultaneously soothing and comforting him.

Wei Ying sags against him, trembling.

"Why am I so scared of going back there?" He asks, wetly.

"It is alright to be scared." Lan Zhan tells him, wishing he could take that away for him. "It is the unknown, and simply human nature to be afraid."

"You aren't scared of anything." Wei Ying compares them.

"Not true. I found out yesterday, just how terrified I am of one thing." Lan Zhan doesn't even dare to say the words out loud, scared of jinxing them.

Wei Ying gasps. His arms are suddenly holding onto Lan Zhan much tighter as he begins to understand what and why Lan Zhan is afraid of.

"I'm so sorry. I know...yesterday, when the kids came to us, I thought, God, that was so irresponsible of me. To just go off with a random stranger like that, what if something happened-"

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