Chapter 49

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Monday morning brought more surprises, some that should not have been ones, and others which were wholly unexpected.

Wei Ying and the children were eating breakfast early because A-Yuan and JingYi were supposed to return to school today.

JingYi seemed a bit down, so Wei Ying convinced Lan Zhan to show A-Yuan some Lego kits on offer, in the living room, just so he could ask JingYi if anything was wrong.

As the days went by and Wei Ying began to observe JingYi more and more, he found that the little boy was openly happy and chattering as usual, but there were times when he seemed far too serious for a six year old.

And because Wei Ying was too familiar with this kind of behaviour, having done it himself far too often when he was growing up, he recognised the signs.

JingYi would stare at A-Yuan and sometimes, at Wei Ying and Lan Zhan thoughtfully, and Wei Ying couldn't work out what he was thinking about, or what could be bothering him.

Was he wondering about his own family? Or did he have questions about his role here, in this family?

So this morning, Wei Ying decided to bite the bullet and ask.

"A-Yi, please, can I talk to you?" Wei Ying asked him, scooting closer to the child. He had news for the boy anyway, and they had a little time to talk this morning.

His beautiful burgundy eyes seemed too big in his face suddenly, as he looked up fearfully at Wei Ying.

Wei Ying wasn't sure what he had said to make the boy scared, and he immediately opened up his arms.

"I need a hug, if you can spare one," he says, instead of what he really needs to say.

JingYi obediently climbs into his lap, smooshing their cheeks together.

"A-Yi, do you know what it means, when we call you that instead of JingYi?" He starts off, hoping the segue into the other necessary talk can happen like this.

"Does it mean you like me? Like A-Yuan?"

"Good boy!" Wei Ying praises him, smiling while holding his little body closer. Maybe he was a sap for loving every single kid that fell into his lap, but he didn't care about that.

As long as his children were happy, that was all he could ask for them.

"I always knew you were smart." His lips find JingYi's temple. "But it's even more special than that. You know we love you, right? Just as much as A-Yuan. But today some people are coming here, to look at how you're living here, and whether or not you're happy. All you have to do is answer their questions as honestly as you can. Okay?"

"Are they gonna take me away?" He asks instead.

The kid is far too perceptive.

But then maybe that's to be expected, Wei Ying thinks sadly. Kids brought up in happy families didn't have to think five steps ahead of whatever threatened their safety. JingYi had to grow up in a dangerous environment where either his mother had to protect him, or he could not protect his mother. Both situations would have caused emotional damage. Wei Ying wants to give him a good foundation instead, one where JingYi can rely on the people entrusted to look after him.

"I hope not. That's also something I wanted to ask you. Do you like living here? With us?"

JingYi stiffens in his arms.

Maybe that was the wrong thing to say. JingYi is so much more sensitive under his facade of being happy all the time. Wei Ying decides to get straight to the point.

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