Chapter 3

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That was the first thought Wei Ying had, looking into those bottomless golden eyes.

They were remarkable because they were so alive, so vibrant.

There were tiny golden flecks lighter than the amber ring around the blackest of pupils...and for a moment, Wei Ying was completely lost inside that swirling golden sea.

Lan Zhan heard a heartbeat.

That's what caused him to open his eyes, and the strong scent of vanilla and lotus flowers was back, stirring his hunger. His eyes snapped open with the awareness of a high-class predator, with the knowledge that his prey was close by.

But what Lan Zhan had not realised was that his prey was captivating.

Silver eyes stared back at him, even as the external heartbeat rose, a percussion that steadily increased.

Lan Zhan was momentarily confused didn't feel like his own heart was whose...? It must be this gorgeous man's heart he could hear.

In that split second, Lan Zhan was aware of so much, and he was certain it was accurate information his brain was supplying.

This beautiful man was in his mid twenties... around the same age as himself. His forehead was open and wide, partially hidden under a wild fringe framing his oval face, almond shaped eyes glimmering with the majesty of a stormy sea, and Lan Zhan was reminded of crashing waves under a moonlit night. This beauty had longer hair than himself, currently tied up in a bun with a few tendrils escaping their confinement.

Lan Zhan wanted nothing more than to ... bite him?

Where had that thought come from?

The hunger was back...far more powerfully than Lan Zhan was able to bear but to his utter frustration, he still couldn't move.

He felt entirely though his body was incubating something...or under going some kind of drastic change. And along with that knowledge, he was hyper aware that it was alright...that these first thirty three hours were going to be hard, but crucial to his survival.

And all throughout, the temptation standing so close to him that Lan Zhan felt as if he was drowning in a lake of intoxicating lotus flowers...and he was surprised to understand that he wouldn't mind.

Not if this person was with him.

His hunger flared painfully in his gut...but that thought anchored him, and Lan Zhan forced himself to calm down and listen to what he was saying.

" are you feeling?" The silver-eyed beauty was asking him.

Lan Zhan tried to speak, but his tongue felt like lead. In fact his whole face was numb right now. He really wanted to answer the question but his body wasn't cooperating with his thoughts...and it was too frustrating!

Lan Zhan could feel a rage building, a fire brewing in his belly. Anger coarsed through his veins as he tried in a futile attempt to say something...anything. A strangled noise came out instead, and those gorgeous silver eyes widened in surprise. He must have seen something in Lan Zhan’s eyes, because there was confusion on his lovely face.

" can't move?" Wei Ying could feel his heart racing even as this realisation occurred to him.

How did he know to ask that?

Wei Ying only knew that he really wanted to help this man. He told himself that it was because he was in some kind of discomfort...not because the longer he looked into those wonderful eyes, it felt like he was coming home.

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