Chapter 120

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The children were excited to see them when they returned to the manor in the morning. Wei Ying had set his alarm earlier, so they made it on time for breakfast with the family, and then Wei Ying and Lan Zhan went to drop them off to school.

Baoshan Sanren had insisted on the security detail to stay on the children for now, just until they hashed out the details between the vampires and themselves later that evening. Lan Zhan wasn't taking any chances either, and the security guards hired by XiChen were staying until further notice.

They were driving back from school when Wei Ying spoke. He'd seemed lost in thought on the way, so Lan Zhan was hoping he would talk about whatever was on his mind.

"Not gonna lie, I'm sure glad our children aren't being threatened any more," he said, turning in his seat so he was half facing Lan Zhan, as much as the seat belt would allow.


Wei Ying was fidgeting with his hands, twisting the ring on his third finger. When they stop at a traffic light, Lan Zhan reaches across and puts his hand over Wei Ying's, wanting to comfort him.

"What is it?"

Wei Ying takes a deep breath. "The thing is, now that we're getting married, and I know I never really asked you this, but I remember telling you that A-Yuan and I are a package deal, and now we've got JingYi-"

"I am going to assume that there's a point in there, somewhere?" Lan Zhan smiles, looking straight ahead and moving forward.

Wei Ying sighs. "I guess my point is this: how do you feel about children?"

"Our children?" Lan Zhan is startled enough to ask.

"Well, yeah? Kind of? Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way." He tries again. "Okay, before you met me, what was your opinion on children? Did you ever think about wanting to have any? Or were you pro no kids?"

Lan Zhan considers this, wondering why Wei Ying was asking him this now. He thought they had already established a common opinion on kids because they both wanted JingYi to join their little family, and this was basically a moot point by now. So he goes with the truth.

"I had not given much thought to this. Mostly because I had not found anyone I was immediately interested in as a partner, and in the logical sense, that would come first as a typical order of conduct. But then, after I met A-Yuan and then JingYi, I would say I am pro children. Why is Wei Ying asking me this now?" He parks the car in his usual parking spot.

Wei Ying realises that while he's been thinking about this and how to ask Lan Zhan his questions, they have reached the manor.

"Two reasons." Wei Ying holds up two fingers.

Now it's Lan Zhan twisting towards him. "Mn?"

"Firstly, I'm stressing about Social services, because it's been two weeks already and we've not heard anything from them about JingYi. Secondly, I was wondering how you felt about having more kids one day...?" Wei Ying blushes, looking down.

"I am not familiar with the procedure regarding adoption, so I would imagine that they're quite busy, and that must be the reason they haven't contacted us yet." Lan Zhan thinks about the second part of his statement. "I think I would like to have a big family, one we can cope with in the best way."

"Okay, okay! That's good, that's really good!" Wei Ying says, an excited smile decorating his face. "I'm not saying now and now, obviously, because I think we should get a bit settled first, but eventually we could think about inviting more kids to live with us. Now that I can afford it," he beams and changes his words when Lan Zhan frowns at him. "I mean, we! We can afford it!"

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