Chapter 62

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Wei Ying stared at him, the newcomer who was behaving as shifty eyed as a pickpocket, his gaze darting from one side to another and remaining tight-lipped all the while.

Baoshan Sanren lost her patience immediately.

"A-Xian, please explain where you got the video footage from, and what you saw," she barked, without looking away from the youngest one in the room.

Wei Ying almost felt sorry for him.


"Huaisang sent us the first links and then immediately after that, F4keSt0ries sent another, saying that the clips had been taken down almost as soon as they had been put up. Which supports your theory about Wen Rouhan controlling all media about vamps. But, it doesn't explain why we saw you working next to Wen Ning in Wen Laboratories that Sunday when we visited with A-Qing. Or your jacket." Wei Ying crosses his arms over his chest, unblinking and staring at the young man, who was clearly out of his depth.

"Part of that, I can help with."

Wei Ying was surprised that his grandmother intervened, when she was definitely angry at him.

"Warm Sky is our Tech wizard. He's the one who completed background checks on you and everyone you interact with on a daily basis. He's also our mole," she made a face at that last word, finding it distasteful, and making Mo XuanYu smile, "inside man, in Wen Laboratories." Baoshan Sanren corrected herself. "So, please explain yourself. Why do you own that jacket?"

"It belongs to a gang. I don't wanna say the name," he says, sullenly.

"Why not?"

Wei Ying thinks the boy should start singing like a canary if he doesn't want his grandmother to start losing her shit. But he's very interested in what the youngster has to say.

"It's kind of top secret."

Wei Ying snorted with disbelief, catching the same look on Lan Zhan's face.

"You might want to rethink wardrobe choices, if you and your gang wish to remain anonymous." Lan Zhan says, quietly pointing out the obvious.

The boy blushes, his whole face pink to match his vibrant hair.

"They found me on the streets, after the Giant Asshole threw me out of his home. I had nowhere else to go, and was pretty much starving." The boy was mumbling.

"Giant Asshole?" Wei Ying doesn't want to interrupt but he's at a loss to wonder who it could be.

"Jin GuanShan." Baoshan Sanren supplies.

"His name keeps popping up far too frequently to be a coincidence." Wei Ying adds, brow furrowed in thought. And he didn't miss the fact that this kid had also been homeless for a while, much like himself. Absent parents were the same as being an orphan; dead or alive didn't make that much difference if they weren't there at all.

Poor kid.

Wei Ying couldn't really blame him for being on edge and untrusting of them in general, despite the mystery surrounding the kid and his grandmother. Baoshan Sanren was showing just as many opposing, confusing but good traits so far.

"What does your gang do?" Xiao XingChen demands.

"We hunt vampires...well, they do." Mo XuanYu looks down at his feet.

Baoshan Sanren makes a disgusted noise.

"Don't you think you and your gang should stick to what you're good at?"

"They're good at it!" The boy protests, his stance utterly defensive. "There's strength in numbers, you know. They've battered lots of them."

"How many of you are in the gang?"

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