Chapter 51

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Things were still tense but less so after that smile. When it became late enough, Wei Ying whispered to Lan Zhan that they should make a move soon, because tomorrow was still a school day and they should let the children go to sleep at a reasonable time.

Uncle Qiren looked disappointed, but he went as far as to show the children his drawer full of fun stuff, and they could use anything in it whenever they came by.

"As your financial position has changed, will you be moving from your current address?" Uncle Qiren focuses on Wei Ying when he asks that question.

Wei Ying thinks about his answer.

"To be honest, I haven't had a chance to think about it. The children have their friends at school and are settled there for now, plus I should think about A-Yuan's extended family," he replies. "It's a big decision."

"Hm. Children are the first priority." He sounds approving. "Safety is also paramount. XiChen was saying it becomes dangerous at night."

"Uh, that's because of Didi being attacked." XiChen's ears give him away.

"I promise I'll think about it." Wei Ying says sincerely.

"Mn. See that you do. Otherwise, we shall meet again on Saturday night." He's just about to leave when the children stop him.

"Would you like a hug?" A-Yuan offers him. "Baba said they help."

Uncle Qiren is a bit lost at that, and it's XiChen who makes him bend low enough for each child to hug him.

Nie MingJue prods at XiChen to make their excuses too, and it's Da Tuzi who sees them out.

"It was good to see you, Sirs." He says, addressing both of them, but clearly looking at Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan is embarrassed, and he nods his reply as they leave.

It's much cooler outside now, with the night settling in. There must be a body of water nearby because frogs are serenading each other in the darkness. Stars seem so much brighter, and the air is fragrant with night-blooming flowers.

"What did your Uncle mean, see us on Saturday?" Wei Ying asks Lan Zhan, as soon as they are out of earshot.

The kids are holding hands and walking in front of them, and XiChen and Nie MingJue are walking alongside them.

"I forgot to tell Wei Ying."

Wei Ying can hear the embarrassment in his voice.

"To be fair, a lot has been going on, it's easy to forget." XiChen pipes up, trying to save his baby brother from a 'situation'.

"Well then, let's just add that to the list, right?" Wei Ying says, trying not to be snarky about it. But his annoyance was lurking just under the surface, and since he'd had a long day full of unexpected challenges, his patience was wearing thin.

"Huaisang wanted a word with you," this time it's the big man who intervenes.

Wei Ying sighs internally. It's impossible to have a conversation with Lan Zhan and get to his point with these two super protective people around, who have conveniently forgotten that they're not coming home with Lan Zhan.

The conversations Wei Ying wants to go ahead are going to happen, one way or another.

"We can call him tomorrow night." Lan Zhan replies, and then they say their good goodbyes.

Lan Zhan knows he's in trouble from Wei Ying's tone, and he too, wants to clear the air. But it can wait until they're alone.

Wei Ying wanders over to the fountain once more, thinking about why he's so fascinated by it. Although it's lit up by lights, in this semi-darkness, it's still hard to see it clearly. Maybe some other time.

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