Chapter 91

592 102 53

08.00 am Sunday

Part of the reason why Mo XuanYu thinks he's so great at hacking into databases is because he has insane, insatiable curiosity. But the other part was fuelled by the desire to see who his father was, the no good lowlife, the scum of the earth, who had dared to abandon his mother.

He didn't know much, and Mo XuanYu had to hack into the government agency responsible for recording birth certificates to find out.

That's when he found out that his mother had pronounced him a girl, and his father was called Jin GuanShan.

At last, he had found out who was the other fifty percent to his DNA, half accountable for what he looked like.

And since he loved his mother, and his mother loved him, he correctly assumed that there must have been a really good reason why his mother had changed his gender on paper. Which meant that Jin GuanShan had to be investigated.

Mo XuanYu had thrown up that night more times than in his whole life, and he sent up a prayer to the Universe, thanking the powers that be, that his mother was an Angel.

Everything was a con in his list of pros and cons, reasons why he should or should not go and face this man, tell him of his existence. But by now, he was part of a gang that felt more like his real family, certainly way more enriching than anything he could have gained from the slimy turd currently festering in that cell, resembling whatever was in that chamber pot.

Something made Mo XuanYu find the security settings and he slid the door open, not truly understanding what made him do that.

Then he closed that tab and moved back to Wen Rouhan, just checking in on what was going on there.

Wen Rouhan is smiling.

Oh no...that can't be good.

Mo XuanYu's fingers fly over the keys because he's sure, sure as Jin GuanShan is worse than a dung beetle, that he's missed something.

Something really important.

He rewinds the security feed, and what he sees turns his blood to ice.

Heart racing, he tries to call his group, Baoshan Sanren, and then anyone in that little room, who has no idea what is going to happen.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!" He's muttering under his breath, willing someone to pick up, at least check their messages, SOMETHING!

The line crackles and then he hears Baoshan Sanren say, "A-Yu? What's up?"


Wen Qing slid across and pushed Song Lan into a sitting position, trying to ignore the deep growling that was coming from the centre of his chest, even though his eyes were still closed.

"Hold his hands!" She fires at Xiao XingChen, as she gets the pliers around the first nail.

It's tough to pull out, slippery because of the corroded metal and wet blood. She has to brace the handles of the pliers against the base of his skull, and she yanks so hard that she's flat on her back, blood dripping from the nail in the mouth of her tool.

All the air has slammed out of her lungs, and it takes her a while to be able to breathe properly again.

She sits up and attempts to find the second nail but just as she does, Song Lan opens his eyes and Xiao XingChen gasps, because their time has run out. Her pliers hold the head of the nail and she pulls just as Song Lan wrenches his head out of her grasp, and the momentum yanks the nail right out of his skull.

He slumps into Xiao XingChen's arms, in too much pain to do anything else.

Meanwhile, suddenly all their phones go off at once.

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