Chapter 1

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~Zoey's POV~

Today was my first day of sophomore year. Gross. I hated school. I had friends, I just hated the school part.

"Zoey. Get up or I'm leaving you behind!" My mom yelled.

Ah yes, my mom. She was a drug and alcohol addict, never much to be said about her.

I rolled out of bed, getting ready and grabbing all of my belongings.

"It's about damn time. Let's go before your sister gets mad." My mom said.

My sister Delaney. Senior. She was very popular with the men. And there was me. An almost 16 year old girl who had only a few friends and an enemy. Marcus.

Marcus used to be my best friend, and we had a lot of great and amazing memories before I had met the friends I had after. Until one day he got a girlfriend, named Mary. I hated Mary. She was always a bitch behind his back but he never believed that. You already know the drill.

Ever since then I had completely dropped Marcus. I didn't want to deal with that shit anymore, still don't.

I got in my mom's car along with my sister. Usually my sister would drive me but her car's broken and mom needed the car during the day.

"Finally you're awake. Start setting an alarm or something you know I hate being late." Delaney said.

"Whatever Laney." I said.

I called her Laney. All the time.

We arrived to school and there he was. Standing there with Mary, basically swallowing each others faces. I laughed.

"What're you laughing at?" Delaney asked.

"Look at Marcus and Mary." I said.

Delaney looked over and laughed. Her and I always had such a close relationship. I loved my sister.

"I'll see you later. Text me if you need anything Zoey." She said, giving me a hug before leaving.

I nodded as I walked to my first hour. I sat down and... Marcus was sat next to me. God damnit.

"Long time no see?" Marcus said.

"Not long enough. Now stop talking you make my head hurt." I said.

"Whatever Zoey." He said.

That was also why I hated school. Even after dropping Marcus, Mary would always find a way to get at me. I didn't know why, nor did I ever care.

After my first class I saw my best friend Lynette. She had always been there for me when everything happened with Marcus. I was really hurt.

"Zoey!! How are you?" Lynette asked.

"I'm okay, Marcus sits by me in first hour." I said.

"Gross. You have History for next hour right?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Me too! I hope we can sit next to each other." She said.

Marcus walked by with Mary. Of course.

"Sup Zoey. Hey Lynette." Marcus said.

"Get lost." I said.

"She's so rude to you." Mary said.

"Yeah. Whatever." Marcus said, leaving with Mary.

I didn't know how he put up with that girl.

"Just ignore them. Come on." Lynette said, taking my hand and walking with me to History.

I hated this school.

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