Chapter 56

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A day before Zoey is done at the mental hospital.

"Just remember, if you need me, call me." Tasha said.

"Of course. Thank you for taking such good care of me." I said.

"You're welcome. I'm keeping this room closed for any time that you need to stay here. This is your room." She said.

"Hopefully there isn't a next time." I said.

"Yeah. I love you Zoey. Be safe." She said.

I hugged Tasha, going to bed.

The next morning I woke up, getting my things packed. Tasha drove me home. I was glad she did.

I walked in the door and Delaney was asleep on the couch. Her stomach was getting bigger.

I went upstairs to my room, cleaning it up. I didn't know why but I just didn't like how my room looked. I felt like if it looked the way it did at the mental hospital then I would feel better. I shrugged, putting clothes away along with my journal.

I went back downstairs and Delaney was in the kitchen.

"Oh shit when did you get back?" Delaney asked.

"A few minutes ago." I said.

"Okay. How was it?" She asked.

"Fine. I feel better." I asked.

"Okay. Good." She said.

I nodded as Dylan walked in the door.

"Oh shit hey Zoey!" Dylan said, giving me a hug.

"Hi." I said.

"How are you holding up?" He asked.

"Better." I said.

"Good. Delaney how are you?" He asked.

"What does it look like?" Delaney asked.

"And she is still mad at me. Okay." He said.

"I'm gonna go see Marcus." I said.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Dylan said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I went in the house this morning and he was with Chanel. She was kinda like sitting on his lap while he played a video game in his room." He said.

"Oh." I said.

"If you want I can come with you." He said.

"Nah I got this." I said, grabbing Delaney's keys and driving over to Marcus's house.

I pulled in the driveway, going into Marcus's house.

I tried opening his door but it was locked.

"I'll be down in a minute Dylan." Marcus said.

"Dylans not here. I made sure he wouldn't come." I said.

"Zoey?" He asked.

"Yeah you fucking dick now open the door." I said.

Marcus opened the door. Chanel was sitting on his bed. In a fucking bra.

"I leave for 2 months and this is what happens?" I asked.

"You never talked to me. You were probably out cheating too Zoey." He said.

"I was in the mental hospital again Marcus. I fucked up okay?! I didn't wanna fucking tell you because I didn't want you to fucking worry about me but I know how valuable my feeling are to you now." I said.

I walked downstairs, going back to Delaney's car and going home.

I slammed the front door, going upstairs.

I didn't even think about drugs. I was more than proud of myself. Tasha had told me that working out would get stress off me, so that's exactly what I did. I got dressed into leggings and a tank top, going to the gym. It definitely took anger off of me.

I had been at the gym for about an hour, and then I got back home, going on a run around the block. Once I got back I walked inside. Marcus, Dylan, and Delaney were in the kitchen.

"Why the fuck did you lie to me?" Delaney asked.

"You're mad at me now?" I asked.

"You told me you were going to live with Tasha." She said.

"Yeah?" I said.

"You were at the mental hospital again." She said.

"No fucking shit." I said.

"What the fuck Zoey." She said.

"You don't get to be mad at me for something I did. I did it myself and I did the right thing or I would've fucking killed myself again. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want all the worries and the sappy shit. I did this on my own." I said.

"You just can't stop can you?" She asked.

"Stop what?" I asked.

"BEGGING for attention." She said.

"I begged for attention? So you think that I tried ending my life because I wanted you to feel fucking sorry for me?" I said.

"I was the one who went through all that. Not you. You don't get to feel traumatized." She said.

"Fuck you Delaney. Congrats on being fucking pregnant." I said, going upstairs.

After all those years Delaney had told me all that shit after telling me that I was good.

I didn't fucking need that negative energy. I called Tasha.

"Hey what's up?" Tasha asked.

"Can I stay at your apartment for a bit? I'll explain everything once I get there." I said.

"Of course you can. There's a key underneath my mat. I'm still at work." She said.

"Okay." I said.

I hung up, grabbing my stuff and packing it.

I went downstairs.

"Where are you going? Back to the mental hospital?" Delaney asked.

"No. I'm done with that shit. I'm done thinking I don't belong here. Im going to stay with the only fucking person who was ever a good person to me, and I'm staying there until you fucking realize I don't want your fucking attention." I said, walking away.

I walked over to Tasha's apartment, it was only a minute walk. I got the key from under the mat and unlocked the door. She had told me there was an extra room so I went in there, waiting for her to get home.

I figured it was time I did this all on my own.

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