Chapter 31

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~Delaney's POV~

I missed her. I missed my best friend. I missed my sister. I missed her.

Dylan had come over.

"I feel like this is all my fault. She hasn't even called me." I said.

"She isn't mad at you. She called me. She said she just wanted to focus on getting herself better. I promise you she's not mad at you." Dylan said.

"How is she holding up?" I asked.

"Tasha's making sure she's having a good stay. They gave her a TV and she's in really good hands right now." He said.

I started crying.

"She's gonna do great. She really opened her eyes. She definitely feels like she has a purpose of living and I think Tasha really opened her eyes. I think she needed a talk from someone who gets the whole thing, who isn't just family." He said.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm really glad she has Tasha there or she'd have the worst time. I'm sure she's over there watching her stupid show. The Ranch." I said.

"Don't be a hater! That show is awesome." He said.

"I'm so glad she's finally getting the help she needs." I said.

"Me too. She also broke up with Marcus for a bit. He completely understood too. I'm proud of the both of them." He said.

"Yeah, I'm sure the last thing she needs right now is a boyfriend." I said.

"I'm so proud of her." He said.

"Me too. I hope she's happier than she was the first time. I hope she comes home without looking so skinny and tired like last time." I said.

"They've been giving her better food, and she said having noise in the room keeps away the nightmares. She's also taking very very monitored medication for her sleep. They're deciding if they want to give it to her when she gets out, but it needs to be heavily monitored." He said.

"I'll keep it with me. Somewhere safe. And I'm sure she won't try anything. She's a good person. She knows it." I said.

"She's also going to group therapy where she talks with people who have gone through the same thing. She said she feels less alone." He said.

"I'm glad. I'm glad she trusts you enough to talk to you Dylan. You really showed her what a father figure looks like." I said.

"I'm always gonna be there for her. And you. You both are my priority's along with Marcus and Zoey really needs someone in her life that she needs to go to boy drama about and that's me and you." He said.

I laughed.

~Zoey's POV~

"You seriously beat me again! I hate uno." Tasha said.

"I'm amazing like that." I said with a laugh.

"Very funny. Go shower and we'll have a talk." She said.

I laughed, going to the shower rooms. I got dressed into the sweaters and sweatpants they had. I also got socks and the safe shoes they had. I brushed my hair and went back to Tasha.

"Alright Zoey. I'm gonna have you be honest with me. How do you feel?" Tasha asked.

"I feel like a big cement lifted off of me. And I feel like I can smile without faking it right now." I said.

"That's amazing. What's making you feel that way?" She asked.

"The fact that you finally had me realize that I have a purpose in this world and that my family is here for me more than ever." I said.

"I'm so proud of you Zoey." She said.

"I couldn't have done it without you and my sister." I said.

"I love you like my own sweetheart." She said.

I smiled. I really loved Tasha. She was like a mom to me since day 1. She made sure I ate, showered, and slept. They also monitored my medication which made me happy and it helped me sleep a lot. I knew I didn't need to overdose because I was okay. I felt relief. I felt like a huge building just lifted off my shoulders and that I could take anything that was thrown at me.

I got in my bed, turning on my show and falling asleep. I was finally getting better.

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