Chapter 64

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I woke up the next morning and got ready for school. I really didn't want to deal with Chanel today but I guessed I didn't have a choice.

I drove to school, instantly walking over to Marcus.. who was talking to Chanel?

"Hey Marcus." I said.

"Hi." Marcus said.

"I'll see you later Marcus." Chanel said, winking at him.

"What's that about?" I asked.

"Are you using again Zoey?" He asked.

"Fuck no." I said.

"Why is Chanel telling me that her dad found out you used again before I came over?" He asked.

"She's lying to you. You can drug test me. Hell you can even ask Tasha AND her dad yourself. But if you don't wanna believe me fine." I said.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I should've believed you. It's just I don't know why she keeps trying to get to us." He said.

"She almost got to you." I said.

"Come here." He said, holding his arms out as I hugged him.

"I'm not using I promise. I'm done." I said.

"I know. I'm sorry." He said.

"It's okay." I said.

I walked with Marcus into school.

"Didn't you confront her about using?" Chanel asked.

"Yeah, and she's not." Marcus said.

"Oh really?" She asked, showing us a fake positive test.

"Zoey." Marcus said.

"I'm not using again." I said.

"It literally says it right there." He said.

"You don't have to hide it Zoey. You're a drug addict." Chanel said.

Marcus walked away from me, Chanel followed him.

"Good Lord." I said, rolling my eyes.

Did Marcus really just believe some fake shit over his own girlfriend? Damn.

During lunch I sat with Lynette.

"You can't sit here anymore Zoey." Lynette said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I'm uncomfortable around you when you're using again." She said.

"I'm not fucking using again!" I said.

"Please go." She said.

I stood up, grabbing my stuff and walking out the hallway. Chanel was walking towards me and Marcus was at his locker.

"Stay the fuck away from me you psycho bitch." I said, walking away.

Marcus looked up and I didn't even hesitate. I went to my last class for the day, doing my work. I went to the apartment, getting ready to go to the gym.

Once I was done I did my usual running around the neighborhood. I got back to the apartment and made dinner since Tasha was coming home soon.

Once she got home I made her a plate.

"How was school today?" Tasha asked.

"Everyone thinks I'm using again. I'm pretty sure Marcus is done with me and so is Lynette." I said.

"Who said that you're using again?" She asked.

"Chanel. She made a fake test saying I was positive for Xanax." I said.

"There's no way you could be using again. You'd tell me and you have nobody and nowhere to get drugs from." She said.

"Exactly. I haven't thought about doing anything since I got out of the mental hospital." I said.

"I'm so sorry she's doing this Zoey. I wish there was something that we could do." She said.

"It's okay. I can deal with it. I'm just gonna focus on myself and my family. You, Delaney, and Dylan." I said.

"That girl Chanel needs to stop." She said.

"Yeah, she does." I said.

I got ready for bed until Marcus texted me.

Marcus: You need to get tested again.

Me: Okay.

Marcus: Until then I'm not talking to you.

Me: Marcus, I don't care.

I shut off my phone, going to sleep. I really didn't fucking need this.

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