A Right Mess

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        ~No one's POV~

     The young adult cautiously led the turtle into their small apartment. It was about what you'd expect a college student to afford, with a little bit of help. The rooms were all quite small, but there were thankfully two bedrooms.

     Y/n brought Donnie to the non-decorated bedroom after giving a tour of the small home. "I don't have many friends that stay over, so this room should be perfect," they told the mutant quietly while he looked around with an unimpressed expression.

     It was nothing like his old lab in the lair, but it would do. There was a twin-sized bed tucked into the corner as well as a desk with old pages still scattered on top of it. Donnie didn't bother to mutter a thanks, instead just stepping inside and closing the door in the human's face.

     Y/n let out a huff, heading to their own room as they pulled out their phone, scrolling through the few contacts they had saved. They spotted April's name and tapped on her contact, sending her a hurried text about their current situation. On a lighter note, they also pulled up a delivery app to order some Chinese food. It was expensive as hell, but always so delicious.

     In the other room, Donnie was pacing. His feet lightly padded on the floor as he let his thoughts absorb him. It wasn't worry, no, not even close. He was thinking of what the first thing he could try on this new human was. They were foolish, they always were. Humans trusted too easily, and this one gave him direct access to them in their own home.

     What can the human body endure? What does it take before they crack, figuratively and literally? If they were a friend of April's, what did they deserve? That female human was always too nice, that was until she didn't like something.

     Would Y/n offer him kind words if they knew the things he made? If they knew how well his experiments worked? He wanted to know. His seeking of praise nearly overpowered his curiosity about destroying this human.

     "Donatello?" their voice called after a soft knock on the door. "I ordered some Chinese food if you're hungry," Donnie couldn't remember the last proper meal he had. He waited for the human's footsteps to recede before exiting the room they provided him with.

     Back in Y/n's room, they had received spammed messages from April, all concerned for their safety. Y/n wasn't scared of the turtle, even though April tried to make him seem like a threat. Even Donnie tried to make himself seem like one, but Y/n ignored the feeling of danger.

     Their phone began to ring; obviously, it was April. They answered quickly, not wanting the girl to worry about them. They were met with the girl pacing, and small glimpses of other people in the background.

     "Y/n, you doin' all right?" the dark-skinned girl spoke quickly, eyes trying to examine the young adult through the screen.

     "For the hundredth time, I'm fine," the human still had their headphones in so Donnie couldn't hear their conversation. "Who're you with?" Y/n queried, letting her know they had barely seen the people in the background.

     "His brothers," she said curtly. There was more of them? Did they all seem to be as disconnected as Donnie? He seemed pretty distant the whole walk to the apartment.

     "Do I get to meet them?" the young adult asked. "It's okay if they're not comfortable with it, I won't push," after a few moments of discussion on the other end, April was introducing the three brothers to her friend.

     Donnie took careful steps out of the room, hearing Y/n on the phone in their own room. The smell of hot food was so enticing and he stepped further out, moving to the small table that had a couple of small boxes left over.

     Was it all for him? Was it equal to what the human was eating, or was it less? He picked up one of the boxes and looked inside. Half of the rice was scooped out of it, the other box had half the chicken missing. Everything smelled so delicious.

     There was a styrofoam bowl left out, along with a fork. It was left there for him; did this human actually care? Maybe they weren't all the same. Donnie greedily scooped the remaining white rice from the box, piling the chicken on top. His eyes glanced around the room before landing on a whiteboard with a few markers hanging next to it.

     His eyes narrowed at the thought of thanking the human. He was meant to hate them, wasn't he? That was what Draxum always told them, not that he cared about that sheepman. Donnie would prove himself to be better than the yokai, more powerful, more dangerous.

     He tore his eyes from the whiteboard, instead taking the over-filled bowl and fork and closing the bedroom door carefully behind him. Maybe he could listen to find out what Y/n was talking about? It would certainly be good to find out more about the human that was letting him stay.

     "He hasn't tried to hurt me," their muffled voice spoke up, piquing Donnie's interest. Did they want him to? He wouldn't mind helping with that. "I can handle myself, I'll be all right," were they sure about that? What if one day, the mutant snapped completely? 

     What if he got the urge to hurt this human as his family had? He wanted to show this human the pain he had felt. Was it them he wanted to hurt? They were close to April, hurting them would hurt the human girl, in turn hurting his brothers.

     His fist clenched around the plastic fork that jabbed into a piece of chicken. He had an idea, it wasn't awful, but he hoped it would scare the human. He wanted to teach this young adult you couldn't trust everyone you met on the street.

     Word Count: 1,000. I meant to go to bed, so if this chapter is a little shitty, it's cause I got super sleepy part way through. Enjoy anyway.

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