Donnie's Gift

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      ~Donnie's POV~

     By the time morning rolled around, Y/n had fallen asleep cuddled up to me on my lap while I leaned over to continue working on the modified spider shell. They were facing me, legs hanging off my thighs and their head gently resting on my plastron.

     I was running out of materials, and I knew I couldn't just waltz into the lair to get whatever I had left there, and I couldn't send Shelldon in either. It left me with one option, the Hidden City.

     The Hidden City wasn't exactly the safest place for me; Draxum and Big Mama both resided there, and they didn't exactly like us. Maybe I could get Mikey to keep an eye out for my human while I made a quick run there.

     The only problem was I couldn't exactly stand up unless I felt like disturbing the human or having to carry them with me. I didn't mind the second option, they weren't really heavy.

     "Okay, up we go," I stood carefully, adjusting my grip under my human's thighs to keep from dropping them. Subconsciously, their arms wrapped over my shoulders and I held back a coo at the motion.

     "Hey, Angelo?" I opened the door to my brother's room slowly, peeking in to check if he was awake. He was, and he was working on a new drawing. "Um, can you do me a favor?" I could see him biting his lip to hold back a squeal.

     "What'd'ya need, Don?" it made me happy to hear that nickname instead of 'Donnie.'

     "I need to run down into the Hidden City to pick up some scraps to finish up a project I'm working on," I didn't go too far into the gift I was making. "I was hoping you could keep an eye on Y/n till they wake up, and be sure to let them know that I'm out, but I'll be back soon," I remembered too well what happened the last time I left without them knowing.

     "Roger, Skipper," he gave me a wide smile and a thumbs up.

     "Cool if I leave them in here?" I nodded to the bed Mikey wasn't currently occupying. He nodded and got back to his drawing. "I owe ya one, Mikey," I ruffled the top of his head and he grinned up at me.

     One of the few places I knew that had an easy entrance to the Hidden City was, disgustingly enough, a dumpster outside of Run of the Mill Pizza. Another one was one in an abandoned construction sight, but without some doohickey Splinter used to have, it was no good.

     I began the trek to the old pizza place, hoping I wouldn't run into some rather. . . unwanted company.

        ~Leo's POV~

     Me and Raph decided to go to Hueso's pizza place after not being able to sleep much the night before. I wanted to go to the pizzeria Usagi worked at, but there was too much of a chance to run into Y/n there, and wherever they were, Donnie was.

     Speak of the Devil, I could see him walking by and into an alleyway beside the pizzeria. Raph didn't seem to have noticed his presence, and I knew better not to just leave him alone. . . maybe I could get him to go to the lair and I could meet him back there.

     "Hey, Raph, why don't you take our pizza back to the lair? I'm sure Dad is a bit hungry, too," I immediately put my plan into action. "I can meet you back there, I just need to check something out. I won't be long."

     "Oh, um," Raph's brows furrowed at the idea of us separating. "Don't you think it would be better if we stuck together?" definitely, but Raph could be a bit clumsy, and I needed to be stealthy.

     "I'll be okay," my hand reached for my sword. "If I run into danger, I have this bad boy," I grabbed the hilt of my odachi as I glanced between him and the alley. "Stay safe, big bro."

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