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        ~Donnie's POV~

     If you asked me a year and a half ago if I believed in happily ever after, I would say you were crazy to believe in such a foolish concept. However, if you asked me today if I believed in them, I would say, 'yes, without a doubt.'

     Currently, I was cuddled up to my human who was half asleep and lightly petting the top of my head. I soaked in their warmth, ignoring that we would soon be getting ready to visit my brothers. 

     I knew there was a quiet churring escaping me, I learned long ago not to hide it from my human. I peppered them with kisses, hearing their soft giggles. 

     "Good morning, love," I pushed my face further into their neck, loving the closeness.

     "Do we have to get up?" they asked in a small whine and I nodded into their neck.

     "It's a holiday, we need to go," I hummed back. "Besides, Mikey's been looking forward to this visit," I told them as Pumpkin Spice jumped onto the bed, whining for our attention now that he knew we were awake.

     "Hi Pumpkin," I pouted as my human moved their hand from my head to his, the cat releasing a loud purr. A moment passed before Y/n groaned and attempted to sit up, struggling as I gently held them against the bed with me.

      "Nooo," I snuggled into them. "Just a little longer?" I looked at them with pleading eyes and they smiled. The words were familiar in both of our minds, only with a different meaning this time.

     This wasn't a plea to touch my shell, it was a genuine ask to stay with them and enjoy each other's company. "Okay, Don," our cat curled up on one of Y/n's sides while I cuddled into the other.

     "Don! Y/n!" I could hear Mikey's excited voice. "C'mon, time to get up, lazy bones!" he burst through the door and Pumpkin Spice hopped up and ran out.

     "Don't you know what day it is?" Mikey was bouncing on his heels. It was amazing how much energy he had this early.

     "Yeah, we're going to see your brothers," Y/n yawned, glancing over at my little brother. Mikey was in a pair of brown overalls that had paint splatters dried on them. It matched his style quite a bit.

     "Yeah! So get up!" his wide grin showed off his tooth gap. "I wanna spend as much time with them as possible!"

     "Okay, okay," Y/n returned the smile and I let them sit up. "I get first in the shower," they ruffled their hair and stretched their muscles when they stood up. Oh, what I wouldn't do to shower with them.

     No, it wasn't for any dirty purpose. . . I wasn't sure how to describe it, I just wanted to shower with them. I wanted to be able to wash their hair, to feel their skin against mine.

     I watched after them as they left, a smile on my lips and Mikey noticed it immediately. He held back his teasing, but not the smirk that formed. "Coffee, Don?" I nodded and he headed off to make the drink for me.

     After an hour had passed, we were all ready to see the rest of our family. Mikey walked excitedly ahead of us while my hand stayed entwined with my human's.

     "Y/n, have I ever told you how much I love you?" I asked quietly, eyes shifting to look at them. They hummed in thought before their fingers tightened.

     "No, I don't think so," I could hear and see their smile. "Do go on."

     "Well, every day I wake up to the most beautiful person in the world. They have the most amazing smile, the most perfect voice, the most perfect kisses and cuddles," my cheeks heated up. "Every day I wake up grateful to have met you, so grateful you took me in, despite everything, you stayed with me.

     "Every day I'm reminded of how lucky I am to have you. Every day I remember how much I don't deserve you. I remember how much I love you," I stared at the ground with burning-hot cheeks. "I will never stop loving you, Y/n. You were the most amazing thing to ever happen to me, and I will not trade anything for that."

     My human side-stepped closer to me, pressing a kiss to my cheek, but didn't step away. I truly would not trade the world for them. This affection, their acceptance, this was what I needed. I wouldn't call this an addiction to my human, no, we had healthy boundaries set, and we always let the other know if they were too close to being crossed.

     We gifted each other small things often, but even just being in the same room was enough. My favorite gift I created for them was a small invention that was similar to my spider shell, only on a much smaller scale, and was disguised as a back brace or belt of sorts.

     "We're here!" Mikey announced before sprinting down the steps like an excited toddler.

     "Ready to head into the unknown?" I glanced down into the abandoned train station that me and my human stood in front of. Holidays always had different feelings, and if Dad really was going to hang out with us this year, it was emotions roulette.

     "By your side, I'll be ready for anything."

     Maybe happily ever after did exist, and for once, I was living mine. I was finally deserving of happiness, and my human taught me that. Life had rough patches, it had those awkward moments or fights, but that was life.

     This was my human, and I would fight the world for them. I would love them till the end of time, and nothing would change that. This was my happily ever after, I knew they were real now. For once, I wouldn't be living a tragedy ever after.

     My human taught me that we all deserve a second chance, and I don't know where I'd be if they had denied me that. Maybe I'd be sat upon a thrown with the world bowing down to me. . . No, I was content with this.

     This was our Happily Ever After.

     Word Count: 1,047. This story took the biggest turn ever. I hadn't seen a happy ending for our characters, but I had quite a bit of influence that made this story so much better. Half a month ago, I hated what I had done and deleted a huge chunk of this book, which turned out to be the right choice. I hope you all enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing. I have plenty more projects coming up, so you guys will have plenty of content after this. Enjoy!

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