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        ~Donnie's POV~

     My eyes watched the human intently as they pressed their hands against my cheeks and forehead to check if I was warm. It was like a parent checking up on a sick child. What did they get out of taking care of me? I was getting sick of this act. I needed to find out how I could turn them against April.

     How do you get someone to believe every word you say? Well, drunk words are sober thoughts or something like that. Maybe I could apply the same thing to "sick" thoughts.

     "I used to know an April," I started, my words immediately catching Y/n's attention. "She would tease me relentlessly for having a soft shell," I faked a pout. "She always told me that I wouldn't be strong enough to live up to my father's expectations."

     "You're really strong though," their brows stitched together. "And your tech definitely helps with that, too."

     "Yeah, apparently that's all I'm good for," the words slipped out too easily. Maybe those were words I believed as well. I was nothing without my tech. Absolutely useless.

     "That's not what I meant," Y/n quickly tried to defend their words. "I meant you're strong without it and your tech is like a boost to your skills," they reworded their claim. "I know an April myself. She's super nice, but she only has a few friends that she would do anything for."

     "I saw her when she came here," I said, watching to see if their expression would change. Their body tensed and they met my eyes for a moment but stayed silent as they waited for me to continue. "That was the same April I knew."

     "I'm sorry, Don," they looked away. "Maybe she isn't as nice as she acts around me. She always seems so overly cheerful, and she was kinda annoyed when I wanted to check up on you instead of studying with her," they glanced to the side as they muttered to themself.

     "It's all right. You didn't know," I replied. Was this really working? This whole "sick" thing was making them care about me. "Please don't talk to her. What if she hurts you too?"

     "I can't exactly avoid her at school," Y/n hummed. "But I'll try my best. It'll be hard, she's kind of my only friend. Human, at least," good, they thought of me as a friend. This was good.

     "You'll have me," I said and Y/n looked up again. Their hand moved to the lightly bruised area on their neck; they were healing up nicely. At the time, I hadn't realized how harshly I grabbed their neck until I snapped back to let go. "I can protect you if she tries to hurt you."

     "Thank you, Don," they gave me a sweet smile. They stood straight from their crouching position. "I'm going to take a shower. Sadly, I have to attend my classes tomorrow. I need to do Mr. Ward's test."

     I nodded and they left the room. They believed me. They actually believed me. That's one step closer to achieving my goal. Lying was easy, especially when you knew how to play pretend. As soon as Y/n was free of April, I would be the only one they had. They would have to rely on me and I could do whatever I pleased.

     As fun as the thought of mutating them was, I needed a human that could go out and get materials I needed. Some things I required were sold on the surface, other things were down in the Hidden City.

     I couldn't allow them to continue distracting me from why I was really here. They were my revenge against April, they were my plaything. I could do whatever I wanted to them to get back at April. I wanted April to see me slowly change them and perfect them.

     I couldn't let Y/n's attention distract me from that. I needed to stop being selfish, forget my urges to give in to their touch. It was their turn to give in to me. I was getting tired of this sick act, it would end tomorrow.

     I needed to get myself back on track. Make my human perfect. I was the only one they needed, they would be able to defend themself, and I would find out what makes a human break.

     April was my only obstacle, once she was out of the picture, we would be in the clear. I wanted Y/n to destroy them all. I would never have to be forced to go back home, I would make them destroy it. I want to see the horror on my brothers' faces when they saw what I could do.

     I wanted to be completely free. Not have to deal with Leo's childishness and awful jokes, nor Raph's subpar leadership skills that would put us in danger, and Mikey. . . I didn't want to see him get hurt, it happened enough, even though he wasn't a softshell like me.

     Tomorrow I would go out to find my hidden scraps I left in the city. I needed to make tech again, it was the only acceptable distraction I could give myself. My tech could improve my human as well, just like it improved me.

     Word Count: 880. Sorry for a shorter chapter, I'm literally just thinking about Rusty Rose from Sonic Prime. Enjoy!

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