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        ~Donnie's POV~

     "Everything okay?" my human asked me with a concerned expression. In all honestly, I just wanted April out as soon as possible. In an even more honest thought, I felt jealous of Yuichi. Why?

     Well, for starters, he at least had a human disguise. It was easy to spot the cloaking brooch he wore, but it didn't make sense. Why work at a human pizzeria when there was a yokai/mutant pizzeria not too far away?

     What did Y/n do when they went to the breakroom? Yuichi was in there as well, so what happened between them? "Don?" a hand waved in front of my face and I glanced down to see my human. "Something on your mind?"

     "No," I hated to lie to my human after they admitted they trusted me. "Just happy to be alone again."

     "You seemed more stressed than happy," they commented, placing a hand on my cheek that I melted into. "But, we don't need to talk about it if you don't want to."

     "It's Yuichi," I blurted out and silently cursed to myself.

     "What about Yuichi? Did he say something to you in the restaurant?" I shook my head. "Then what. . . Don," they paused, a sly look taking over their expression. "Are you jealous?" their tone was teasing, as was the smirk sprawled across their lips.

     "I've told you before, I don't like to share," I leaned closer to them, their confidence draining as my face was inches from theirs. "Perhaps it's because my art is fading. . ." I hummed as I glanced down at their lightly decorated neck. "Would it be all right to add more?"

     My human's face was flushed as they stared at me. It was adorable, seeing them so flustered. "Y/n?" my voice cooed out teasingly. Their eyes turned away from me, hand dropping from my face to cover their own.

     "We don't have to," I straightened up a bit, not wanting to overwhelm them. Their fingers parted a bit to glance at me, their voice muffled under their palms. "What was that, darling?" I saw them curl up more at the pet name.

     "I said it's all right," they spoke once more, voice quiet, but no longer muffled. "Can. . . can you call me that again?" they asked shyly and a sly grin crossed my lips.

     "Darling," I repeated the name, observing their flushed cheeks and small smile at the word. How adorable. They assumed their favorite seat on the couch, eyes avoiding me as they were clearly embarrassed, instead focusing on the TV.

     "You'll let me know if it's too much, right?" I tilted their chin to look at me, earning a shy nod in return. "Good," I let their head fall back to its resting position while my eyes glided over their exposed skin.

     "Wait," I looked to my human who was already staring up at me. "Your battle shell," their eyes shifted to the bulky piece of equipment then back to me. Their thumbs pushed on the release triggers and I helped them pull the shell onto the floor so it wouldn't be too loud.

     "Okay," they breathed out, letting themself relax once more. When my teeth sank into their skin, I felt their nails lightly scratch against my soft shell. A shuddered breath escaped me against their skin while they let out a sound quite different from my own.

     I had almost forgotten that my human liked the feeling. I had almost forgotten how much I loved that sound coming from them. I hadn't realized how hard I bit until a metallic-y taste hit my tongue. I didn't mean to bite them that hard. Holy shit.

     "Are you okay?" I immediately asked, looking from the bite to their face. They nodded and took in a shaky breath. "Does it hurt?"

     "Not too much. I can handle it," they assured me. They would definitely need to clean it. It wasn't too deep, but we couldn't risk an infection of any kind.

     "Is it all right if I continue?" Y/n nodded again and I burrowed my face back into their neck. Some spots got more attention than others, especially the ones that would make my human louder. They were such intoxicating noises, I couldn't help but just seek out the spots that elicited them.

     I could feel myself slowly losing to the feeling of their nails scratching against my shell. I could feel how rapidly my tail was whipping, I could hear the whines and chirrs leaving me. I could feel my fingers digging into their sides as I held them close to me.

     I burrowed my head further into their neck, no longer being able to focus on creating new hickeys or bitemarks, just on their touch. Maybe I was a bit jealous of Yuichi, even though I knew nothing was going on between him and Y/n. They were my human after all, and I trusted them.

     "I love you, Don," they hummed out as their nails raked up my shell. I didn't trust my voice enough to respond, but they managed to pull a shaky whine from me anyway.

     "I love you, too," my voice was barely over a whisper in fear another noise would escape me. Their head tilted to place a kiss on the top of my head, but I wasn't nearly cocky enough to tease them for a kiss on the lips.

     "C'mere," their voice murmured and I pushed up on my elbows to lean closer. Their lips pressed against mine and I nearly melted into putty. They continued to press small kisses until they became messy and uncoordinated. 

     I hadn't even realized their fingers had paused in their motion and my human looked so tired. They really were such an adorable thing. "You need to clean that before you sleep," I reminded them quietly and they groaned quietly.

     "Do I have to?" they muttered, tired eyes squinting up at me.

     "Art comes with a price, darling," I chided softly. "This price is cleaning it so it doesn't get infected. It drew blood."

     "Mm, sounds like you should clean it," their arm flopped over their face to hide from my view.

     "Mm," I mocked their hum. "Yeah, but I need to check something else, too," I quickly remembered the grip I had on their waist. I wanted to see if there were finger-shaped bruises in their place.

     "Fine," their arm dropped over the edge of the couch before a sly smirk crossed their lips.

     "What's that look for?" I eyed them and they raised their arms up to me.

     "Carry me," Y/n made a grabbing motion and I looked down at them with an amused expression.

     "Fine, for you, just this once," I picked them up like I was carrying a child, feeling their legs wrap around my waist to keep themself from falling. I entered the bathroom, flipping the light on before placing my human on their feet.

     "Don," they looked at themself in the mirror and I gave them a shy smile when I saw their gaze fix on me. "Jeez," they inspected themself, jumping when my finger brushed against the hem of the shirt they wore.

     "I just want to check something. I won't take it off, don't worry," I raised the shirt to where there were bruises forming, meeting eyes with my unamused human through the mirror once more.

     "And you're sure you weren't jealous?" Y/n asked, slightly more awake as they observed the aftermath of me.

     "And so what if I was?" I smirked, leaning forward to rest my chin on the opposite shoulder of the deep bite mark. "Now people know you're mine. And I don't share."

     Word Count: 1,285. No plot progression here, enjoy!

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