Much To Learn

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        ~Normal POV~

     I was laying uncomfortably in my bed, eyes staring up at the ceiling. My brain wasn't allowing me to rest in fear Donnie, er, Donatello would burst in again and choke me. Despite what some people think, it's not very pleasant if you don't want it.

     I don't know why I didn't tell April about what happened that night, maybe it was hope that Donatello could be a good guy still. I knew that was wishful thinking, he seemed happy the way he was.

     If I were to get along with him, I had a lot to learn. I needed to know what would trigger him versus what he would be okay with. I needed to learn what he liked to eat or what activities could keep him occupied. He simply intrigued me; he was different than other people, and not just because he was a mutant.

     I knew he had an interest in science and technology like I did. I knew he was a soft-shelled turtle, as well as the fact that he had three brothers. I never got to hang out with his brothers, and I only just met them recently.

     I knew Donatello wanted me to be scared of him, he wanted me to know that he was stronger than I was. I wanted to know why he had to show me that he had more power; it was clear when we met. I wanted to know why I took him in, sheltered him, and fed him.

     Should I be scared? Or should I embrace this new side; this side that liked the idea of danger? I didn't want to be that normal, boring person with straight A's and almost no friends. I wanted to amount to something in life, good or evil.

     The idea of doing something one would see as "evil" was thrilling but scary. How would society view me if I committed heinous acts? Would I be shunned? Would I be praised for the accomplishments I could make?

     The idea of doing something "good" just seemed like living an ordinary life. Just another brick in the wall, really. What fun is it to be like everyone else? Making things the government would claim for themselves with no credit to the original makers.

     Why was I thinking this way? Was the idea of being "evil" conjured so I could just accept Donatello's presence? If I was one of the bad guys, would Donatello view me differently? Or what if I was a good guy? Would he leave? Or would he find a way to hurt me more? Or kill me?

     I had much to learn in order to get along with Donatello, good thing I was a fast learner.

        ~Donnie's POV~

     Y/n was an intriguing character; they easily caught my interest. I wasn't sure if it was because they were like me in a way. They had a love for science and technology, something that would prove quite useful for me.

     Sadly, I had some things to learn about them. Did they have morals? Did they have people who would miss them? How similar were they actually to me? How did they view "good" and "evil?"

     I also wanted to know what they thought of me. Did I instill fear with my presence? Did I really want them to be scared of me? In a way, I did. I wanted them to know the control I held in every situation. 

     Would they give me praise when I did well? Would that give me a reason to change? No, I would never go back to that boring do-gooder lifestyle. That was what my brothers did; nothing about that life was interesting.

     If I was still "good," I wouldn't have met this strange human. So far, they hadn't judged me for an experiment like April had. I would make sure they never did. Could I make them hate April? If I could turn them against her, I would have them to myself.

     That would be my first experiment: get them to hate April. Maybe a betrayal could be set up. It would be so perfect. Make them feel some sense of pity for me, have them say I'll be all right. I don't care much for that sappy shit, but having them get attached is the idea.

     I'm the only one they need, and they're the only one I need. We'll be perfect for each other. They don't need friends to get through life, I learned that the hard way. But, if it was just the two of us, we could rule this world.

     Taking them away from April was a great way to get back at her, but I could do better than that. When I make them perfect, I'll show them off to her. I'll make her see that my experiments don't go wrong. My little assistant will be expertly made; I'll show them all.

     I had much to do for my plan to work, and it was a good thing Y/n was a fast learner.

     Word Count: 843. Another shorter one, but I hope you enjoy anyways!

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