Not a Softie

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     I don't know what possessed me to assume this position, but I did. Even more embarrassing was the noise I let out at the affection I received. When was the last time I felt this kind of comfort? Maybe I really was sick, what else would make me act this way?

     There was something about the warmth Y/n radiated mixed with the weight of the blanket and how their nails itched at my scales just right that was hypnotizing. I only wished that churring would stop escaping me, but I couldn't seem to make it stop. The noise was simply involuntary at this point.

     My eyes struggled to stay open to watch the movie that played on Y/n's TV, but I felt myself instead being lulled to sleep. My head snuggled deeper into Y/n's thigh and I felt them tense a bit at the movement.

     No matter how many times my eyes snapped open, they always drooped back down. Was this what it was like to feel safe? I almost enjoyed it. I knew how harshly I would act after this whole fake sickness, but I would enjoy this while I could.

     When I awoke, we had shifted quite a bit, and the sun was rising again. Y/n had shifted into a laying position, their head resting on the arm of the couch still facing the TV while my head rested on their belly. One of their arms was resting over my soft shell, but it didn't bother me with the weighted blanket still covering it.

     One of my arms was flopped over the edge of the couch while the other was around the small of their back, the limb has long fallen asleep and tingled now that I was awake. What made me the most embarrassed what the fact my body was resting between their legs, not that it was sexual in any way, I just had never slept in such a position before.

     My face was heating up and I wanted to escape the situation, but moving too quickly would alert the sleeping Y/n. I must've moved the wrong way because Y/n began to stir. Thankfully, they seemed just as flustered as I was at the position we were in and they moved immediately. They wiped at their eyes sleepily as they looked out the window and groaned quietly.

     I watched curiously as they picked their laptop off the coffee table. Their movements were sluggish and it made me wonder how late they were up last night. They entered their password which I didn't catch while I was observing their face. My eyes glanced over the messily written email to their professor claiming that they were sick and would need to take the exam another day.

     "Wanna go back to your room?" Y/n asked as they glanced over to me after shutting their laptop once more. I wouldn't be caught dead saying I wanted to continue cuddling them. Apparently, there had been some sort of desperation in my eyes that made them pull me back down into the position we were resting in before.

     Don't get me wrong, despite my soft shell, I was not at all a softie, there was just something so intoxicating about this human's touch. Yet another reason they were so intriguing to me. My face snuggled into their belly, earning a soft giggle from Y/n. My eyes glanced up to see the human watching me.

     No doubt, my face flushed immediately. That movement was involuntary, they were just so warm and comfortable; it must have been from my turtle DNA. I always found myself drawn to some kind of warmth.

     "It's all right," Y/n's hand reached forward, that hypnotic sensation of them scratching my chin drawing a quiet chirr from me. "I know you probably won't remember when you're better, but I don't mind this," they spoke softly, their voice not raising above a whisper. They seemed embarrassed to admit their liking toward the affection.

     "I don't usually get too close to people, so this is nice," they looked away from me. My eyes continued to pierce through them as I waited for them to continue. They made strange confessions when they were half-awake, I suppose I was the same.

     "It is nice," I hummed in agreement, not trying to stop the churring that vibrated in my throat. I was surprised I trusted my voice to not come out in a different tone. My brain and heart were arguing, and at the moment, my heart was winning.

     I wanted to move away, to deny this affection. I was supposed to be the one in control, that's what my brain told me. My heart, however, decided I needed to give in to the human's touch. It decided I was fighting for so long that I deserved a moment of peace.

     I didn't want to seem like a softie, but I could appreciate these moments. For the first time in a while, I agreed with my heart, so I let myself give in to the affection. I leaned into Y/n's touch, I let that churring ring out, I let myself feel safe and secure.

     How much longer could we have moments like this? Would they continue being this kind-hearted if they stopped being April's friend? Would they accept me to be the only one they need?

     In my vulnerable state, a string of words stumbled from my lips. "Can you tell me you're proud?" their fingers paused in their scratching and their eyes looked from the TV to me. I looked away before we met eyes, feeling too embarrassed by the words that slipped out.

     "Donatello," their voice was barely above a whisper and I looked up at them, "I'm proud of you," I felt my heart pound in my chest at the phrase. I decided I liked hearing it escape their lips. That was the final thing I needed to know I wanted to be the only one in their life.

     They only needed me and I needed them. My perfect experiment; if I could continue to hear those words come from them, I was certain I didn't need anything else. I buried my face into their belly to hide from their smile.

     We fell asleep again sometime after that, or I did at least because when I woke up again the sun was high in the sky and Y/n was cooking in the kitchen. I could hear the faint noise of the washer in the other room and the hissing of steam releasing from their rice cooker.

     "You're awake," Y/n commented as they spun around from the stove. "I figured I'd let you sleep in to help you feel better," they moved over to me with that kind smile. "Did it help?"

     "Oh," I looked back at the TV that was playing some cartoon now. "I guess a bit."

     "Are you hungry? I can heat up some soup for you," they offered. They didn't bring up the early cuddles, or my desperate asking for praise. Did they even remember that? I hoped not.

     "Soup sounds good," I said simply and they stood up to make me some, my eyes watching after them. I wondered if they would tell me they were proud if I ate a full meal. My craving for their praise refused to diminish, instead growing larger. 

     If I were a spider, Y/n would be a fly trapped in my web. The poor human didn't even realize what either of us was doing to the other. I couldn't wait to perfect them.

     Word Count: 1,263. I'm having fun guys. It's almost 6 am, but I'm not done yet, I don't think. Enjoy!

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