Operation: April, Strategy: Sick

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     Y/n went to their classes, as usual, leaving me alone in the apartment. How could I turn them against April? How long had they known each other? What would it take to drive them apart?

     "Hey, you seem jumpy," I could recognize that voice in an instant, disgust crossing my face. Speak of the Devil and she shall appear.

     "I'm all right," a smirk crossed my lips at Y/n's dismissive voice. Were they defending me, or just trying to get the concern off themself? Was Y/n growing wary of April without me having to do anything? Not likely.

     "Study sesh today? You have that test coming up," April told the young adult, piquing my interest. A test? I liked tests. I could help them with a test; I could do a lot more than April could. I was the tech guy, I knew tech.

     "Um," Y/n took a breath in. "Normally I'd say yes, but--"

     "Donnie, I know," April sounded annoyed.

     "He actually prefers Donatello," my subject corrected her. "But, yeah."

     "I don't think you spending time alone with him is good," the girl tried to argue. "Look, he doesn't even have to know I'm there. I'd feel a bit better knowing you aren't spending all your time at home with him."

     "He isn't doing anything wrong, April," Y/n spoke up. "He does his thing, I do mine. I told you yesterday. Don't worry. I can take care of myself."

     "Then come to my place for the sesh," the annoying human spoke once more. "We haven't hung out outside of school for a while. Please?" I knew she was wearing a pout, it was a face I had seen far too much.

     "Fine, but I can't stay long," Y/n agreed after a moment of silence. "I need to make food at home for him. I can't be a good host if I'm not there."

     I let out a huff. I didn't want them spending time with April, if they did, my plan wouldn't work, and all of my plans worked. I needed to find a way to get them out of there, but what?

     What if I called and said I wasn't feeling well? How would they react to that? Would they be kind and nurturing? Would they take care of me till I "felt better?" Y/n left their number in case I had an emergency, and faking being sick was a perfect excuse.

     I wasn't sure how much Y/n actually knew about mutants, so I could use that to my advantage. I could pretend for as long as I liked, I was good at that. Just had to wait until they were out of their classes, then I would make the call.

        ~Normal POV~

     I slung my bag over my shoulder as I headed to the computer lab. April was finishing up a project of her own before we could go back to her apartment. I had to admit I was nervous to leave Donatello alone without telling him first.

     If he got concerned, I had my number written on the whiteboard for him to use. April had a point earlier, it had been a while since we hung out, even if this is a study session and not just chilling.

     I leaned against the wall, scrolling through my phone until the girl left. No call or text from Donatello yet, so maybe it was all right.

     "Oh, you're here!" April seemed excited that I had actually decided to join her and not flake last second. I offered her a shy smile as I shoved my phone into my back pocket.

     "I mean, it's a pretty important test," I readjusted the strap of my bag. "Mr. Ward is never easy on us, either," I recalled one of the last tests that quite a few students had flunked.

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