Never Again

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        ~Donnie's POV~

     I was well aware of the tears soaked into the purple hoodie as I held my human tight to me. I couldn't stand myself, I couldn't stand knowing this was my fault. My fingers pet their hair gently as I tried to calm them down.

     "What really happened at school?" I kept my voice quiet as Y/n's cries slowly faded to shaky breaths and hiccups.

     "I failed my test," they whimpered into the sweater. "I really thought I had done well, and then Mr. Ward kept me after class."

     "A single fail doesn't make you a failure," I told them. "I've failed many times, but I don't give up. That's how I got where I am today."

     "That's not everything," they pulled away. "This guy Dale who goes to my Uni was trying to talk to me, and we aren't really close so I didn't want to talk to him and when I tried to leave he grabbed my arm and I flipped out a little and he just stared at me like I was crazy and a weirdo and--"

     "Hey, hey, it's okay," I coaxed them gently. "What else can you tell me about him? I can make sure he won't bother you again," they looked me in the eye for a moment as they hesitated.

     "I really don't know much. I know he has a crush on April. . . he kinda looks like a cantaloupe," they chuckled a bit at the thought. Y/n's laughter and small smile were enough to make me feel a bit better.

     "Oh, really?" I snickered to entertain their mood.

     "Yeah! It's really funny."

     "I like seeing your smile," I hummed, grabbing and holding their face so they couldn't hide from me. I felt their cheeks warm up against my cold hands. "Do you know where I can find this 'Dale?' I did tell you I don't like people messing with my things."

     "I don't know where he lives, no," my human shook their head. "Um, but I might have his socials. . . he follows April, so I can find his page pretty easily," they pulled their phone out of their pocket, going to their ex-friend's page before looking for this other human's.

     "Oh, wow," I commented as Y/n pulled up a picture. "He really does look like a cantaloupe," they stifled a laugh at my comment. He shouldn't be too hard to find with his. . . unique look.

     "Y/n, why don't you go watch TV for a bit and I join you later?" their brows furrowed at the idea of us separating. "I promise," I sucked my teeth for a moment as I thought. "And you can have as much cuddles as you want."

     "Okay," they nodded, excited by my promise.

     "I won't be too long," I stood and helped them up as well. I closed the door to my room before opening the window to leave via the fire escape. I was making my way across rooftops easily while I kept my goggles pulled down in search of this new human.

     I found myself on the college campus scaling down the wall of the dorms looking for 'Dale.' He was chatting away on his phone and pacing. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but the few times he faced my way I made out "April, Y/n, and insane." My human was not insane.

     I waited patiently for him to hang up, the dorm lights going out not soon after. I opened the window as silently as possible and slipped through. The spider legs did not retract into the shell, instead lurching forward and latching onto Dale's wrists.

     His panic was even better than Y/n's, mainly because his life really was in danger. "Dale, so good to finally meet you," I greeted the boy who was trying his best to break free of the spider shell's grip.

     "A little birdy told me you touched something that belongs to me," he grunted as the shell tightened around his wrists. "I don't like to share. So, if you would be so nice as to tell me which one of your hands you touch my human with, maybe I'll let you keep the other."

     "I don't know what you're talking about," he shouted back and my eyes narrowed on his squirming figure. I let out a tsk as I pulled out my Tech-Bo, pressing the button on the side and the head transformed into a chainsaw.

     "What a shame," I hummed, not hiding the fact I was enjoying the poor human's fear. "Guess I'll have to take them both."

     "No, no," Dale continued to struggle, his voice filled with fear and exasperation. "I didn't do anything. Please!" he cried and I looked at the pathetic creature.

     "April asked me to talk to them and they flipped out for no reason," I didn't let up, my weapon still being pointed at him. "How was I supposed to know touching their arm would make them react like that?"

     "I'll just have to make sure you never make that mistake again," I lowered the weapon closer with a sinister grin.

     "What? No, stop! I'm sorry! Get back!"

        ~Normal POV~

     I was sprawled on the couch as I waited for Don to come out of his room. I didn't know what he would do with the little information about Dale I could provide, but I'm sure it wouldn't be something drastic. 

     I glanced over as shrill screams echoed on the TV. I wasn't too sure what was on, maybe Texas Chainsaw Massacre? It wasn't a horror movie I had seen a jillion times, so I didn't know.

     I perked up at the sound of Don's door opening but didn't peek over just yet. My eyes were glued to the scene that was playing on the screen. "I'll be right out there. I just need to clean up first," I heard the mutant's voice inform me and I hummed in confirmation.

     I was so relieved when we made up. Don always gives good hugs when I'm sad, I should have just told him what happened instead of snapping like I did. I just wanted a bit of normalcy for once, and this turtle was the closest I had to it.

     Word Count: 1,046. Trying not to shoot back to the yandere plotline, but I do like possessiveness. If you didn't have a possession kink, congratulations, now you do. Enjoy!

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