Just a Little Longer?

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      ~Donnie's POV~

     After some coaxing, Y/n managed to get me to get off the couch and go back into my room so I could be more comfortable. I didn't want to leave the room, I wanted their warmth.

     Wait, what? No, no I did not. Focus on the mission; my perfect assistant. That was why I was here. The villains don't fall in love, and worst of all, we don't win the princex. I don't win.

     Y/n seemed to be careful of my soft shell again as they led me back to the room, which I would never admit to them disappointed me. They helped me lay down so wouldn't just flop down and hurt myself.

     I didn't want them to leave. My hand involuntarily latched onto their wrist. I wanted them here with me. Please don't leave me alone. I didn't like being alone. 

     "Please stay," why did I sound so pathetic? I was anything but pathetic, but this human just made me feel a certain way. The bed in here would certainly be more comfortable to fall asleep on than the couch.

     "Don, you need to get some rest," they told me gently.

     "Just a little longer?" I was desperate for their attention. The last person I wanted attention from was my father, and I wasn't even this determined for it. What was it about this human that made me crave them?

     "Okay," they agreed, sitting on the edge of the bed with a small smile. "Just a little longer," they weren't close enough. I wanted them to be closer. I wanted to feel their skin against mine. I needed to.

     Without another thought, I tugged them down to lie beside me. They were so warm. So warm. A soft chirr left me as I moved closer to them. I felt like I was going crazy.

     "Are you all right?" Y/n's voice was soft as they asked the question. "You're very cuddly. Is it cause you're sick?" I didn't want to respond, I just wanted to feel that soft petting again.

     I wanted to feel their nails grazing against my bare shell and I didn't know why. Even if it wasn't for long, I wanted to know what it would feel like. Maybe I could let myself be selfish and wait for my mission. I mean, wasn't this working toward it? Wasn't this earning their trust? Making them grow closer to me?

     I wanted to be selfish. They made me selfish. I would be selfish.

     "I'm all right," I spoke after some time passed. I felt my face flush as I took in their warmth. "I just want you," I muttered out. I wasn't sure if my words were coming out the way I wanted them to.

     "What?" Y/n pulled back a bit, earning a whine.

     "I like your warmth," maybe I really was sick if I was admitting such things. "Please," my hand took their wrist, guiding their hand back toward my shell. The human remained speechless, their hand frozen hovering over my soft shell.

     It was only a little, but the weighted blanket was shifted off to the side, a small bit of my bare shell being revealed to them. "Please," my voice escaped in a desperate whisper.

     It was a soft touch, hesitant to touch my shell without the protection of the blanket. Their fingers brushed ever so slightly over the edge of my shell and I could feel their eyes watching me for any kind of reaction. "Please," another small whimper.

     Their nails grazed the exposed shell so carefully, so delicately, you would think it was only a feather. My body slowly curled in on itself. I was still craving more. I wanted them to pet my bare shell with the confidence they had earlier. I couldn't just tell them that, I could never.

     A whine left me and Y/n froze up again. "Is this okay?" they asked, making sure I was truly all right with the contact.

     "I want more," I whispered out, eyes squeezed shut in fear they would judge me for making such a request. I felt a chill run up my shell as they pushed more of the blanket out of the way. Their fingers carefully ran up the back of my spine and I subconsciously moved closer to the human.

     My face was buried between a pillow and their arm, involuntary chirrs and whines left me at the feeling, my tail whipping violently at the feeling. What was this? Why did I love this? What are they doing to me?

     My breaths were hitched and shuddering as their nails gently scraped against my sensitive shell. "What. . . are you doing. . . to me?" I whispered out to them, my voice muffled greatly and I wasn't even sure they could hear me. My eyes were still shut, but not tightly. This feeling wasn't relaxing, I didn't know what it was, but I still liked it.

     Even though there wasn't anything else they could do, I still wanted more. Why? Why did I want more? What are you doing to me, Y/n? Why did you make me selfish? Why did you make me feel like this?

     Then it stopped. Y/n's hand stopped in its movement and carefully pulled back from my shell. Why? My head slowly moved up to look at the human. They were falling asleep. My breathing remained jagged as I longed for the touch to continue.

     "Y/n?" they let out a hum, trying to listen to whatever my request was in their sleepy state. I wasn't going to say anything else. I knew better than to take advantage of someone when they were like this. I may be a villain, but I still have morals.

     "Goodnight," I spoke as I tugged the weighted blanket back over my shell and flipped to face the other direction. It took time for my body to cool down from whatever I was feeling. It was weird, but I liked it. What exactly was it? I hadn't felt it before, but I wouldn't mind feeling it again.

     This was the point I decided Y/n would be the only one to ever get me into such a vulnerable state. They would be the only one allowed to touch my soft shell as much as they pleased as long as they asked first. They always checked to make sure I was okay with something; I trusted them.

     Maybe I could be selfish just a little longer.

     Word Count: 1,083. Oops, that one had a little spice. I've never written proper smut, I don't know if I ever will, but I like the spice.

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