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        ~Donnie's POV~

     I threw my head back in annoyance when the phone was pulled away from me. Doesn't matter. Y/n knew their mission, they cared about me enough to come for me. If my Tech-Bo wasn't enough, Shelldon would be able to find them and assist them.

     My eyes landed on Mikey in a death stare, watching him shrink back into his shell a bit. Some part of me felt bad for scaring my little brother, but he betrayed me. I trusted him, and I thought he trusted me.

     "Can I talk to him for a moment?" Mikey asked cautiously, looking between his older brothers. You think I would call them 'our' brothers after they kidnapped me? Yeah, right.

     "Mikey, I don't think that's such a good idea," Raph spoke up from behind me. The box turtle made pleading eyes and I heard Raph groan. "Fine, but only for a couple minutes."

     "Don, I didn't think this would happen," he sat with a pout. "I thought I was being sneaky, but I guess April noticed Shelly coming down into the lair one night and she snitched to the guys."

     It was always April. Why did she keep getting in the way? Why won't she get the hint? Maybe I shouldn't have given up my thoughts of turning my human into a perfect little doll that would destroy anything I needed it to.

     No, no, I liked my human as they are. I needed them the same as they needed me. "What's goin' on in that big brain of yours?" he tried to pry anything out of me, but I kept my lips sealed. I could keep this up till Y/n got here.

     "Don, why do you hate us?" my eyes snapped to meet the tear-filled eyes of my baby brother. "Did we do something wrong? Did. . . Did I do something wrong?" I could feel myself start to break, something in me wanted to assure my baby brother he hadn't done anything.

     "I'll be better next time, I need to know what I did," his arms wrapped around himself in a hug. There it was again, that brotherly instinct nagging the back of my brain to comfort him.

     "Mikey, you didn't do anything wrong. . ." why were we so similar? Why did he take on the blame that I never could? But, he was looking for validation, looking for someone to tell him it wasn't his fault and that it would be okay.

     "Then why? Why do you look at me like you want me dead? Why do you look at any of us like that? Why do you hate us so much?" he pleaded for an answer.

     "I don't!" I spouted out, brows furrowing at my own confession. "No matter how hard I try, I can't hate you. I try, and I try, but all I do is fail. I can't make myself hate you guys. . . you're my brothers, nothing will change that.

     "Nothing I do ever works. My gifts were a mistake, my experiments are all failures. I am a failure. I thought being a villain and having people fear me and having a sense of power would make me feel better and it didn't.

     "When I found Y/n, they took me in and treated me with kindness, even after our incident. They are my home, and you guys took me away from that. Angelo, I'm. . . I'm nothing without them," I kept my gaze on the floor, scared to see how my brother would be looking at me after all the information I spat out at him.

     "Don," I felt his hand on my shoulder and I tensed. I slowly raised my eyes that had tears pricking the corners. How was my human able to make me feel such strong emotions without them even being here?

     "I forgive you," I bit my lip, the dam was about to break. "You found someone who makes you happy, someone who makes you feel at home. I'm so proud of you," there it was. The tears overflowed, spilling down my cheeks while I held down the sobs.

     For so long, I wanted to hear that, especially from my brothers. All I wanted was to show them what I was capable of and be a useful part of the team. I wanted to show how I could overcome being a softshell, being the weakest one of us.

     "I want you to be able to go back to them, to Y/n. You guys are good together. You watch out for each other, take care of each other," Mikey smile at me, his face blurry behind my tears. "You love them. . . and they love you, just don't forget that we love you, too."

     "Times up!" Raph and Leo burst back in and I struggled to blink my tears away. Damn it. I forced my harsh glare back onto my face, observing the two's movements. Back to the waiting game, I just hoped my human would get here soon.

     Word Count: 842. I might have cried a little bit while writing this. I love writing emotional scenes, so enjoy!

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