Forced to Explain

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        ~Normal POV~

     I was nervous to go to my classes today. At least it was Friday and I could avoid April for the weekend if and when she noticed the hickeys that were scattered across my shoulders, neck, and collarbones.

     "You're wearing a sweater?" Donnie asked me before I could step out of the apartment. I didn't move, trying to hide the sigh that escaped my lips.

     "Well, it is getting cold," I turned to look at the mutant who was pouting. "I don't wanna freeze out there," I tried to reason with him. "You want people to see, don't you?" my eyes narrowed on the turtle.

     "Maybe," he shrugged at my suggestion. "I made a work of art, after all. They're made to be shown off," I mean, he wasn't wrong, but still. With a groan, I went to my room and changed into a zip-up hoodie with the University logo. It was partially unzipped so you could see my collarbones and up.

     "Is this better?" I asked, cheeks heating up in embarrassment. So much for trying to hide these from April. I would never hear the end of it from her.

     "Much," he hummed as he observed his work. "Have fun at school," his voice was teasing and sarcastic. I glared at him while I flung my bag over my opposite shoulder than normal to keep it from landing on the sensitive skin where the bite was.

     As expected, April was the first one to see me and she looked mortified. "What the hell happened to you?"

     "Uh, rough night?" I tried to walk away before the girl snatched my wrist.

     "Uh-uh. You're not going anywhere," her hand stayed clasped on my wrist while she gave me a dirty look. You're explaining this."

     "No, I'd rather not, actually," I pulled my hand away from her. "I'm not even supposed to talk to you," I admitted before freezing. I don't think I was supposed to say that.

     "What?" she looked at me in disbelief. "Are you going crazy? What is going on in your head?" April pressed with a glare. "Why are you listening to what Donnie-" she let out a groan as my lips parted to correct her, "Donatello says?"

     "Because he hasn't lied to me," I shot back. 

     "All he does is lie!" April shouted with her brows furrowed. "You need to tell me what he said to you, why he did this to you," her hands rapidly gestured to the artwork that was being shown off as Don asked.

     "Because I let him," I glared at her. "And I liked it," her eyes widened. "April, I like him, okay? There, I admit it. I like Donatello. I don't know why or how it happened, but I do. I know we've known each other for like a week, but I don't understand feelings properly," I rambled on.

     "I don't get what it's like to like someone. I don't get what it's like to be upset, or be happy. I don't get it. I'm always struggling to understand what I'm feeling, but this is something I'm certain about. I like him and I trust him," I glared at April as I went off. "You don't know what it's like to not grasp what you're feeling. This is all new to me, April. Why is this hard for you to accept for me?"

     "Y/n," her voice was softer than it was before. I was never open about how I felt, or how I struggled with my own feelings. For as long as I had known April, I had never once told her how hard it was for me to express things. I had always just mimicked how she acted and hope it was right.

     "Please, just leave me alone," I spun around and walked away quickly. I needed to be out of this situation. I hid away in the bathroom, locking the farthest stall as I tried to calm myself. Me and April have never argued before, so what was that?

     "I shouldn't even be here," I muttered as I dropped on the wall and slid down till my butt hit the floor. I pulled my legs to my chest as tightly as I could, burying my arms into my knees with my arms keeping the light from disturbing me. I let myself rock gently as I calmed myself down.

     "I wanna go home," I said to myself with a shaky voice. At least I hadn't argued with Don. It would be awful to have to live with someone and have a big fight with them. He was right about April, she wasn't the good person she made herself out to be.

     But, wasn't she just looking out for me? Wasn't it right for her to be worried? Maybe, but it wasn't right to try and tell me how I should feel about someone. "I wanna go home," I whispered to myself again. "I don't wanna come back."

     If I dropped out, I would just be another failure. I couldn't drop out, I could just avoid April. It would be better that way, wouldn't it? To just cut her out of my life? I would have to.

     I picked myself up from the bathroom floor, washing my hands before heading to Mr. Ward's class. I was late and too drained to come up with a good excuse for it. I went through my day like normal, avoiding April who called after me when I was leaving.

     I entered my apartment quietly, going straight to my room to lie on my bed. I fell asleep for a bit, only to be woken up by the soft-shelled turtle poking his head into my room and calling my name with a concerned look.

     "Are you all right?" he sounded genuinely concerned, not teasing me at all. I sat up in the bed, pulling my blanket close to me and shaking my head. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I shook my head again. I didn't feel like talking. I didn't feel like I could at the moment.

     He didn't push, instead, he entered the room and sat on the ground in front of me, gently resting his head on my knees. I raised my hand to scratch softly at his chin, and Don released that churring noise that always brought me a bit of serotonin.

     We stayed like that for a while until I started feeling better. And because my stomach growled in hunger. When was the last time I ate? I couldn't quite remember, so I forced myself out of bed to make a meal for me and the turtle who perked up at my sudden movement. Had he fallen asleep in that position while I was doing that?

     He followed me around and out of the room before assuming his place on the couch while he waited patiently. I decided on rice and beef this time; rice was something I couldn't grow sick of. It was good if you made it right, and it was an art I perfected.

     Word Count: 1,179. I'm on a roll tonight. I love caffeine. Enjoy!

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