No More Distractions

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        ~Normal POV~

     As much as the pink screen was beginning to bother my eyes, I was barely halfway to my destination. My body tensed at the humming sound that seemed to be following me, so my eyes darted around my surroundings.

     "Shell?" my eyes landed on the drone that the sound was emitting from. "How did you find me? How long have you been following me?"

     "I am able to track any of Donatello's tech. I noticed the house was empty, so I decided to search for you guys," he informed me. "May I ask why you are out so late and carrying Donatello's Tech-Bo?"

     "I'm on a rescue mission," my fingers tightened around the weapon. "Don said his brothers took him and to use his Tech-Bo to find him," I nodded, breathing deeply to try and push down the disruption in my schedule.

     "What will you do once you find Donatello?" I looked back at the drone. I didn't know. Would I have to fight them? I didn't know how to use a Bo Staff or a Naginata for that matter.

     "I don't know, Shell. Could you help me out with that?" binary code ran through the drone's eyes as he thought. I didn't know what was going on in his AI, so all I could do was wait for a response.

     "I could cause a distraction for you so you can go in and rescue Donatello. I am equipped with a ray among other weapons crafted by Donatello," Shelldon replied.

     "Distraction is good. . . I don't want to hurt anyone if I don't have to," I murmured and stared straight forward once more. My attention was caught by sprinting footsteps and a voice calling for me. "April? What are you doing here?"

     "Better question, what are you doing out so late? And why do you have Donni-- Don's Tech-Bo?" I hid the tall weapon behind my back, even if it didn't help with it being almost my height, if not a bit taller.

     "It's not important," Shelldon moved a bit in front of me as I answered the dark-skinned girl. "How did you find me here?" she looked guilty. "April, how did you find me?" my fingers readjusted on the weapon, ready to pull it out in front of me if I needed to fight.

     "I. . . It's because-- well-- I know where you're going, and I know it isn't a good idea," she struggled to find a lie, so she spouted out the truth. "I was the one that spotted Shelldon going into the lair, so I told Raph and Leo and they planned this whole thing."

     "Why would you do that? He was doing better, we both were. This could cause a huge setback in progress!" I tried to keep from shouting at the girl. "What if they hurt him? April, he's everything to me. I'm nothing without him."

     "Y/n, this isn't healthy for you. You spend all your time with him and you don't realize he's dangerous. I don't know what your whole 'boyfriend' deal is, but you need to snap out of it already!" April didn't hold back her yell. "You admitted yourself that he hurt you, he almost killed you, yet you still defend him. Why?"

     "Because! He doesn't make me feel like an outcast. He doesn't make me feel like that kid in the playground no one wanted to talk to because they were weird and different. Maybe this wasn't okay at first, maybe I shouldn't have fallen in love with him, but I did and I don't regret it.

     "April, he's changed a lot since I found him. He's changed for the better and you just can't see it. You're stuck in the same mindset you've been in since the day he ran away. That's not the turtle he is anymore. Why can't you see that?" I argued back.

     "Listen, you're either with me, or you're against me, April. It doesn't matter to me anymore, but don't expect me or Shelldon to hold back if you choose to try and stop me," I finalized. April looked conflicted, and I don't blame her.

     We had been friends for at least a decade and I chose a mutant I met on the streets that tried to kill me over her. I really didn't regret anything, even if I should have. Any normal person definitely would have, but I wasn't any other normal person.

     April stood firm in her spot, eyes resting on me as her hands wrapped into fists. She really wasn't making things easier. "Shall I charge the ray, Y/n?" Shelldon queried and I glanced at him. That would be a bit much, wouldn't it?

     "No, I can handle this," I took in a deep breath, pressing the button on the Tech-Bo and by some miracle, the blade shot out. I adjusted my grip on the Naginata, keeping the blade pointed at the ground and my focus on the dark-skinned girl.

     I saw April's eyes shift from my face to the new threat of a blade. She didn't want to die, and I didn't want to kill her. I don't think I had it in me to. She was the one that took Don away from me, it was only fair to take something from her. But her life?

     "Run," the girl took my advice, sprinting off in the other direction before I could think twice about attacking her with the blade. That fear wouldn't last long, and she was surely going to come back.

     "Shell, follow her and keep her distracted. Come back when I make it to the lair," the drone took in my orders before flying off in the direction April ran in. I pressed the button once more, watching the pink screen reappear in front of me. Somehow, it was becoming easier to switch which mode the Tech-Bo was in.

     I could feel myself wanting to shut down, to just curl up in a ball and hope this was all a bad dream. But it wasn't, and I couldn't take a break until I found my mutant. He needed me and I needed him. I wouldn't rest until we were back home.

     Word Count: 1,036. Ka-chow, another one out, and it's not as angsty. It's almost 3 am, so I'm done for tonight, but enjoy!

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