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        ~Donnie's POV~

     Listen, I didn't do anything drastic like take off some random guy's limbs, all right? I just gave him a good scare and a broken wrist. I taught him a lesson. As it turns out, fear is a great motivator.

     As funny as it would have been to gift April her friend's hand in a box, I knew better than to draw too much attention to myself. Ah, I'm sure that 'Dale' pissed the bed.

     I left the bathroom to see my human laying on the couch and watching a horror movie. Typical. If it wasn't a cartoon, it was a slasher film. I loved how predictable they could be sometimes, made for a good schedule.

     "Did I miss anything important?" I asked as I sat beside Y/n and they sat up to look at me, shaking their head a bit.

     "I haven't really been able to focus on it," it was weird to hear them say that when I knew how easily their attention could be hooked.

     "Is there something else bothering you?" my brows pinched together in concern.

     "You've been wearing the battle shell a lot again. Do you plan on leaving?" their voice was nervous and my gaze softened.

     "Oh! Oh, no," my hands reached back and pressed the releases on either side of the shell. "I work easier with it on, that's all," I assured my human. 

     They reclined again, patting their belly for me to rest on, which I did so gratefully. This position almost always meant chin scratches, and Y/n knew I was an absolute sucker for them.

     Oh, there they are. Y/n's hand raised under my chin and I fell victim to the hypnotic feeling once more. My throat vibrated with chirrs and my tail was wagging. I could hear them coo at the sight, but remained unbothered by it.

     Fine, I admit it. They make me soft. This was a state only they would be able to see me in. I would rather be dead than caught seeming so defenseless.

     I nuzzled into their belly while they chuckled at the feeling. "I love seeing you like this," they hummed out and I glanced up at them curiously. "Happy, I mean. Content. Warm," I turned my head away as my cheeks heated up.

     "Yeah, I like it too," I replied without thinking. Never in a million years did I think I would be able to let my guard down around a human. That I would be able to have my soft shell exposed and not feel in danger. That I would feel happy.

     I used to be embarrassed by the churring this human could elicit from me, but I accepted it now. I accepted that I may have fallen in love with the human I wanted to destroy. Even though some part in the back of my mind still wanted to break them down, a bigger part of me just wanted to stay like this.

     Being around someone who was so kind to me even when I didn't deserve it really ruined my plans. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that I was meant to hate them, it wasn't working anymore.

     "Hey, Y/n?" I looked up at them once more, enjoying how sweetly they glanced back down at me.

     "What's up, Don?"

     "Can I try another experiment?" my face flushed, as did my human's.

     "Yeah, what is it?" they asked me with a kind smile.

     "Can I kiss you?" oh, I could just about strangle myself right now. I needed to know how it felt. Would it be as dramatic as movies made it seem? Or would it be better? Or maybe worse?

     "Yeah, you can," Y/n's voice was so quiet, I almost didn't hear them. They wouldn't look at me and their cheeks were growing ever darker. I leaned forward, in turn, trapping their body under mine. When our lips touched, there was no explosion or transformation into a handsome prince or anything.

     In that moment, it was just me and my human. There was something about the contact I loved, even if it was just a simple peck on the lips. I pulled away with flushed cheeks, seeing my human giving me a goofy smile.

     "Was that okay?" I asked shyly and their hand returned to its spot under my chin. I melted into their touch.

     "Yes, it was okay. Maybe better than okay. I liked it," I shifted back to my laying position overly aware of how rapidly my tail was wagging. If my face couldn't show how delighted I was with the outcome of my experiment, the appendage certainly would.

     "I liked it, too," I murmured while hiding my face from the young adult. Maybe we could have a happily ever after. Just maybe.

     Word Count: 800. Sorry it's shorter, but I kinda like it. I think this one was kinda cute. Enjoy!

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