Don't Look Back

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        ~Normal POV~

     I didn't want to get out of bed. I felt so warm and safe, but the incessant screaming from my phone made me get up. It was almost 10, and my first class was at noon, but I needed time to wake up and get ready.

     I could hear quiet drilling in the room next to mine. Don finally felt ready enough to start working on his tech again. "Hey, Don," I knocked on his door like I did every morning when I checked on him. "You feeling hungry?"

     The room fell silent and the door opened a bit. "I suppose I could use some sustenance," he blocked my view of whatever he was working on, so I guessed it was supposed to be secret.

     "What are you in the mood for? I can just make something small if you want," I offered and he nodded.

     "Sounds good, Y/n," he smiled and moved past me to get to the living room. "Make whatever you're in the mood for."

     I entered the kitchen and looked around for a small meal I could make for the two of us. I found some toaster waffles and mini-sausages that were quick to make and not over-filling.

     While my attention was on the mini-sausages that I was heating up on the stove, I heard soft footsteps make their way toward me. A pair of arms gently wound around my waist and a head buried into my neck.

     I tensed as a soft kiss pressed against my neck followed by a huff of a warm breath. Don mumbled drowsily into my neck, muttering phrases I couldn't make out. Just how long had he been awake working on his invention?

     "Would you like some coffee, too?" he nodded again, face lightly nuzzling me as he did so. I chuckled at the feeling. "You got it, Don," he stepped with me as I moved to grab a K-Cup to put in the Keurig that I didn't use too often.

     "How long have you been up, Don?" I hummed out the question and he let out a deep sigh.

     "A few days?" was his airy response. "Mm, do you have to go to class?"

     "I do," I felt him pout against my skin. "Don, I already skipped last week, I can't do it again," the machine hummed loudly as the steaming liquid poured into the large coffee mug below.

     "Here," I spun in the mutant's arms to offer him the hot drink. "Drink up. And promise me you'll try and get some sleep tonight," he pouted at me.

     "I won't make promises I can't keep," he took the cup. "Your sausages are burning," I spun around and took them off the heat as quickly as I could before it could get too bad.

     I plated both of our meals onto paper plates and moved them over to the small table. "I'm just hoping I didn't flunk Mr. Ward's test," I bit into one of the waffles.

     "You're pretty smart though," my face heated up at the compliment, something I probably wouldn't have gotten if Don wasn't sleep-deprived. "Why would you fail?"

     "Well, Ward takes credit off if you don't take a test the same day, or if you don't come back with a sick note. Not to mention, I felt like everyone was watching me, so I started panicking and I couldn't remember anything. Gods, I am such a failure--"

     "You're not a failure," Don's hand reached for mine which cut off my rambling. "If you fail it's because your teacher is a dick. If anyone was staring, it was because they knew they were in the presence of a genius."

     "You're just saying that," I looked away. "I know I'm not the smartest person, I know I'm weird and I'm different. And I know you only tolerate me because you have to," my voice wavered. Why was I confessing this? What the hell?

     "I'm different, too, Y/n," I looked back at the turtle with blurred vision. "I'm a mutant, I don't belong here with you, yet you put up with me. Y/n, you've been so nice to me, I can't just 'tolerate' you," he made air quotes. "Some weird part of me. . . likes you. Y/n, I like you."

     "Don," I breathed out. "I think I like you, too," I quietly admitted. There, I said it. I told my crush I liked him. The supposedly dangerous mutant turtle Donatello knew I liked him, and he said he liked me too.

     "I'm glad," the turtle wore a smile on his face. There was some other emotion hiding behind his eye that I didn't pay attention to because I was just so relieved to spill my emotions to him.

     "You should get ready to go," he said to me. "I know you usually leave around this time. I'll clean up. Just try to have a good day. If anyone says anything, let me know. I don't take kindly to people messing with my things."

     Word Count: 836. 'Nother short one, but I think I like this confession scene a bit more. Enjoy!

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